My kid brother came over for a couple of days and convinced me to do something other than work. With a bit of arm twisting we went outside and commenced shooting.
After some warm up we put a bottle cap in a pumpkin, set off about 60 feet. After my first 5 the pumpkin wasn’t going anywhere, but the cap was in no danger.
Then my kid brother, Zippy, does this View Image
Not bad for strong gusty crosswinds. The little S#*$ could always shoot me under the table.
(Ruger Competition Model Mark II Pistol, if you were wondering. Plinking ammo.)
Nice photo. Hope you don't post a closeup of entry wounds this deer season!
*What if the deer doesn't drink beer? What will he use for a target if the deer isn't holding up a cap?So many questions, so few worth answering.GabeBTW MD, Good luck and fill those tags.
*One of our guys backed out today. The guy who shot the monster you posted the pic of last year.BTw, he ended up throwing out the head.Utter sacrilege.
*MD,Utter sacrilege.....that would be a 3 tit'r...right?Every night I drive home and in those 20 minutes I count at least 10 to 15 deer in the fields. Next week I'll be lucky if I can count tracks.Oh well gotta try anyhow....Gabe
*Please say you weren't drinking & playing with guns. I have a hard enough time convincing folks that most of us owning guns are safe & responsible. Nice shot by the way. bet he can't do it twice.
*Maybe this will be your year Gabe.
*That wasn't a shot, that was a group.GabeDamn sober amateur.....
*Alright! Hard liqueur and firearms night at the tavern. I'm bringing the grandkids. They kinda prefer hanging out with me because their mothers are no fun. Hell, if it werent for me the 5 yr old wouldnt know how to drive.JonC
*Firearms, liquor, JonC, Mad Dog & Gabe... Ah, the old days..... I can remember when...... Things used to be different 'round here. Sam
*Well, I'm telling you Sam. Even though lil' Lindsey hasnt been tested by oncoming traffic yet, I think she could probably get you home if you can still work the pedals. Likes drawing airplanes too.JonC
*Well hell, if she likes drawing airplanes, she's okay by me! Probably a darn sight better than me at driving too; at least late at night. Headed down to Cadioli's neck of the woods in a couple of weeks.... Sam
*Only way that could be considered a GOOD shot was if you was balancing that beer bottle on your head while he took the shot. Heck, when I was a kid, that's how we opened them bottles when a can opener wasn't around. Sure made the beer taste funny though James DuHamel
*I have the same weopen and cant get a shot like that.hmmm maybe I need to follow my own advice and drink healiy then go shootin
*Beats acid and hand grenades I guess
*A long time ago when I was in the Army I used to be a pretty good shot. With iron sights and the target at 50 meters I could put 3 bullets in overlapping holes. But that was with a heck of a lot of practice.
*Favourite firearm........pre-64, model 70 featherweight, P.O.Ackley accurized .308 winchester c/w Redfield/widefield variable.Favourite liquor..Iced TeaGabe
*Jeez I think I'm lurking on the wrong site, this is the best conversation I,ve seen in the tavern for a bit. Gabe good choice for favourite firearm. I can't decide what my favourite is, if the wife ever finds out I have she may make me sell the rest or stop buying new ones. Harvested a moose on Sept.30 the last day of my tag. Hit him between the eyes with a 338 mag. and the sucker jumped up two minutes later(just as we were trying to flip him on his side) scared the hell out of my partner and I, he dropped right down again Thank God. Anyways told the wife I,ll have to buy a bigger gun. Good thing she doesn't have a clue about guns I'll be shooting a 458. and still be telling her I need a bigger gun.
*(second try to post, don't yell at me if you see two of these)I paced it off today, it was more like 80 ft, anyhow…Mad Dog, the image was a scan, and the deer are safe from me.Rob Rehm, no beer were injured and we didn’t eat the pumpkin either.Gabe, nice eye, there are two shots in the green.Ron Teti, ask Ron Strohbeck for lessons, there isn’t anything wrong with the gun. By the way, do you have any trouble with ammo for yours? I tried a couple of types that jammed mine. I won't make any remarks about tight holes, but I think that was the problem.Ron Strohbeck, shooting like you are talking about takes more than practice, but 45’s do make bigger holes. You are probably as much fun to shoot with as my brother, I suppose I could just change the targets and get bullets for ya.Kevin, I posted this on a computer site I hang around at and all I got was "doh? what's he talking about". Oh ya, and safety advice, geez.
*Real Men shoot a 1911A1. Just like God/John Wayne/Samuel Colt intended. Sometimes you haf'ta polish a few parts on 'em, though.TC
*Well, after 50 we shot a S&W 357, then a Marlin chambered for 45 colt, but no acp.We're trying guy, we'll be men someday if the women don't kill us first.
*Roger thatTC
*Favorite gun? My custom built 22/250. Ground hogs fear me. Crows don't land. Fools have given me money. I just wish I had more time for it.
*Ruger 10/22 w/scope. Great plinker, but I can't fit it in the headboard next to my Beretta 92F.
*Favorite gun? Can we only have one?I'm thinking...Ok, this isn't my favorite, but I want a pre-ban Mossberg 12 ga pump, parkerized w/ a bayonet lug, (just in case)The Python has to be the sweetest 357 out there, stainless 6” barrel. Most like the 4”, but I prefer the 6” for this one.The 30-06 Springfield and I were separated at birth.The favorite for now would be one I don’t have, but always wanted. Ruger Varmint gun, laminated stock, 26” bull barrel, 22-250, of course.
*I haven't bought a gun in 13 years. Ruger 77 in 30-06 is flawless. Best shotgun for hunting I've ever seen is my H/K Bennelli Super 90, 12 Ga. I've got some guns collecting dust but these get a lot of use. Get better with age.Had a love affair with a Model 70 featherweight 22-250 years ago, now feel too sorry for most critters, don't shoot what I don't eat unless it's messing with me.Could see myself in Afghanistan with these guns though. They better not show up out here...MD
*If you need a gun bigger than a .458, I'd hate to see what you're shooting at!
*Mad DogDon't have the .458 yet but when and if I do I'll find something to shoot, even if its just paper. But I have to fill those empty spaces in the gun safe they just don't look right.
*MDThe Ruger 77 is a great choice. Had one in 22-250 and it was used extensively keeping the fields clear of chucks. Had a Ruger single shot in 30-06 and it also doubled as a varmiter with accelerator bullets. My all time favourite Ruger is my Super Blackhawk in 44 mag. Probably the most accurate single action that I have ever fired on the range and in the field.Now my walk around in the field gun is my little Marlin 25-20. Not heavy and makes a great little meat gun.Happy huntingGabe
*Nothing quite as relaxing as shooting on a nice day. My favorite is my Remington 700 PSS in 7.62mm with a 10x scope. Problem is, since I've had it, everything else seems boring.
*Kevin,How about a double Rigby like Robert Redford used in "Out of Africa"-That was cool...
*Benelli Super Black Eagle 12Ga.
My kid brother came over for a couple of days and convinced me to do something other than work. With a bit of arm twisting we went outside and commenced shooting.
After some warm up we put a bottle cap in a pumpkin, set off about 60 feet. After my first 5 the pumpkin wasnt going anywhere, but the cap was in no danger.
Then my kid brother, Zippy, does this View Image
Not bad for strong gusty crosswinds. The little S#*$ could always shoot me under the table.
(Ruger Competition Model Mark II Pistol, if you were wondering. Plinking ammo.)