Dont wanna hijack Freefalls thread so I figure I’ll do an offshoot.
What do you all think????
Member the thread that spoke about lawyers? Where so many people that went to law school and wished that they hadnt? Where they’d have rather chosen a different career?
Building….wheather its a kayak or a house…..or a simple repair. Can’t say that one is any better then anything else but…… Building. Isn’t anything on this planet that I’d rather do. Now thats jus’ me but I’ve been told I’m an intense humanoid by some pretty rightous folks in the teaching proffession. Been told that maybe I should teach.
My feelings about “building” is that…..when you put yer heart and soul into it that, that alone teaches more then you may ever know. Spose I call it the Zen of Building. Aint about the installation of the door actually….Its more about what goes into it. For how long it swings and for how many people it effects. I can remember light years ago when I was doing “aluminum siding”……wow……. how I thought…..this product sure works so much better then the asbestos siding I’m covering over….specially with the dbl 4 foam backer. What an improvement. LOL…Watching the asbestos dust float through the air as we pulled those shingles off of dozens of houses. I remember ripping asphalt roofing shingles off to put down fiberglass roofing….I remember last night when I went to a catering hall to hear a rap about Lazik surgery instead of glasses…..ooooopsss..wont work fer reading tape measures…bummer!
anyway……I also remember my Mom saying that she gave me a middle name cause she knew that DOCTORS needed a middle name. Bummed her
out…….cause I always wanted to build. Jewish Moms. Oh well. I always knew what I wanted to do…..always wanted to build. To me…… thats just me mind you and some of you kinda know me…but…..fer me? Building is the soul of the universe and I’m so energized doing what I do…….so thrilled to be a builder. Aint anything else on this planet I’d rather do. Aint so much about money, although we all love having it BUT..when you love what ya do you figure out how to incorporate it ALL into your life scheme…
..Just needed to state my rah rah for my craft!
School is great but your heart and soul will get you to where you really should be first and formost. Wake up elated each day as I do…..use your anger and excitement and joy and all your emotions to develope into real possibilities without denying any emotions. Building “to me” the single most spiritual thing in my world. Al the answers lay all over it.
Sorry for the rant
Love to you all
It’s not who’s right, it’s who’s left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM
Right on regarding loving what you do. You touched on something when you mentioned school. I assume you were refering to college. A lot of people seem to regard college as a ticket to success and sometimes it is but it is not a guarantee. Not everyone is cut out for it regardless of their intelligence. Also not every job requiring the college education is a desk job but I'd say at least half of them are. As for me and a lot of the rest of us in the building trades (or any other occupation where a person works with their hands) if someone made me work a desk they might as well shoot me. If I'm not building something or driving somewhere then I'm not happy. The biggest beef I have with the general course of affairs in this area is that typically a kid comes out of high school with no life experience and goes into college. They are then expected to choose a major and most are ill equipped to make that choice, hence the career change down the road. Money is nice but it ain't everything. Enjoying what you do is also very important and when you can combine the two it makes it nice. Interesting thread.