hi all…
just wondering if anyone knew of a website where i can find an interactive bathroom floor planner. i have seen one in the past, where you can drag and drop the the bathroom fixins such as the toilet, shower, tub and vanities into a grid, and arrange to your desire.
unfortunately, i have lost the link.
do any of you happen to know where one might exist?
im in the midst of (trying) to design a 11′ x 8′ foot master bath with a whirlpool tub, seperate tile shower, toilet and single vanity… and im running out of graph paper…
Edited 10/19/2002 4:14:54 PM ET by oak
I just bought the new edition of 3D Architect. Its cheap and easy to use and I've been using it to design my next project that has several baths in it. All that drag and drop stuff is there for yer pickins'
Be well
It's not who's right, it's who's left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM
thanks all for the replies...
andy... do you have version 5? the reviews on amazon don't speak to highly of the new version. have you worked with version 4 as well? and if so, what do you like better
I have version 4 and have no problem with it. For the money you cant go wrong. The roof framing takes a bit of a learning curve but not horrible. Still trying to learn the roof drawing thing. I have it mostly down and think its a really helpful tool. I dont think you can go wrong
Be well
andyIt's not who's right, it's who's left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM
So whatcha need a roof in the shower for?
Excellence is its own reward!
It's a bath...how complicated can things get?
If you're tired or redrawing...draw the walls once...and cut out scale outlines of the fixtures.......move them around with your finger.
Photocopy everything a bunch of times first....then ya can make lotsa layouts.
.......Sometimes on the toll road of life.....a handful of change is good.......
BHG has "arrange-a-room" that lets you do very basic outlines with drag-and-drop fixtures and furniture.
...get an up-north attitude...