Hey All,
A friend of mine is adding a major addition to his home. He wants to do quite a bit of mahogany (or mahogany color/style) floor to ceiling paneling in his great room. Old boys club look (around here in the Northeast anyway). I’m trying to help him pin down the most cost effective options and wondered if any finish guys or GC’s here had any good experience with any of the paneling “systems” or perhaps even the “mahogany finish” plywood stock. TOH used something like that on the Manchester Project. (TOH references are allowed if your from Massachusetts! (: ). Appreciate your thoughts and experience. With walls, once it get’s past beadboard or tile I’m of no use to him!.
________ Kitchen & Bath Builders, LLC
Brian Roberts, Manager
Brian, my experience has been using old salvaged full height panels, pretty much reinstalling that which was in some old boardroom or commercial bldg. However, I have done some pine recessed paneled ceilings and poplar/birch ply wainscot and full panel that the painting contractor worked magic with. If you're thinking of that dark, can't see any real grain look, then I think you should concentrate on the finishing because the materials are the only way to be cost consious. It'll take the same labor to do it in mahog or any other cheaper goods. Killing the green on poplar rails and styles is a little tough but it can be done. Best of luck. And cherry by the way if you don't cover it with too much dark, has a real deep beauty. Check it out.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.