Will the 21 degree plastic collated round head framing nails you find in the big box stores work in a PC FR350A. The manual says to use 22 degree nails. Lots of places carry 22 degree but not as convinent or cheap as just buying 21 deg.
What is the difference between a 350 and a 350A?
Don't know the difference. PC site might tell you.
Have you bought the PC framer yet? I had one, and even with light use it was unreliable. Setting the depth was not easy. jammed much too frequently. Finally gave it away and bought a Ridgid. that might not have been the best replacement, but I had to have something in less than an hour, and the only store available was HD. it has worked very well.
"Put your creed in your deed." Emerson
"When asked if you can do something, tell'em "Why certainly I can", then get busy and find a way to do it." T. Roosevelt
I already have the FR350A but I've only used about 1000 nails and they were expensive coated ringshank 22 degree nails.
Looking at the Porter Cable website I guess a clipped head nailer is an FC350.
Guess I'll go try a box of 3000 21 degree nails.
21 or 22° works equally well in any framing nailer with that angle collation. PC makes a cliphead and a full roundhead nailer, The "A" might designate one of these.
I use them for my pc350 full round head nailer.