Peel & stick membrane for windows – size recommendation

I am installing windows in a new addition. I would appreciate any advice regarding the width of peel & stick membrane to use on the sills. The construction is 2 x 6 walls, 1/2″ OSB and housewrap if it makes a difference. I noticed that my local big box sells the membrane in 4″ and 9″ widths. Any advice would be appreaciated.
Doesn't sound quite wide enough to me. I think ours was around 12".
Worst case, you can lap it and if it sticks like it does to itself when you don't want it to..................
>>>and if it sticks like it
>>>and if it sticks like it does to itself when you don't want it to..................
Hahaha...ain't that the truth. Yup, velcro's got nothin' on peel & stick.
there is a company.....
that produces something a little more forgiving-saw Katz and/or Sloggett demo it-might have been tyvek or one of the other housewrap companies.............not sure.
That you could lay on and peel back.
However, once you used your small laminate roller on it..................boom boom, out go the lights!
9" Flexwrap for the sills and 9" Vycor Plus for the legs and head.