Anybody from Pa that can explain the statewide codes. My township opted out but have been informed by a contractor that the codes are still enforceable. However,after researching on the web it appears that the statewide codes would apply only to commercial building, signs, or elevators in my township. By the way this contractor also informed me that I would need a second exit out of my basement if I was to finish part of it as a family room.
I only know grom what I've heard here in the past, and things may have changed - but it seems that PA does not have an enforceable statewide code, with the resulot that many contractors working from one locale to the next end up confused and stuck with higher costs than bid on. One understandable result is that they would be likely to do all their work to the highest standards that they are aware of at all times, which is not a bad idea to adhere to.
For instance, I am not aware on any code that requires egress form a living room in cellar, but common sense dictates that I provide such in a scenario such as your house. My conscience demands it - hang the code
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I posted to this and it disappeared.
I think the Bilco Scapewell attachment was too big.
Anyways ... PA just adopted the national code. My hvac guy went to an official training course ... I work mostly in places that have just adopted it willingly ...
he works in lotsa outlying areas ... said that was a topic of discussion.
The thrust ... no way they can "opt out" ... built to code or sooner or later it'll come back and bite ya.
Townships "think" they can do alot more than they can.
and ... egress.
or ... secondary means of egress ... as opposed to just the basement stairs.
Yes ... for basement BR's ... U need it.
Bilco has a coupla options .... I like the ScapeWell idea. Gives ya light ... plus a window to "egress" thru if need be. The contractor is just trying to do things the right way. Depending on the house .... either make for a daylight/walk in ... or dig out some bilco steps ... or ... the scapewell window well.
Jeff Buck Construction
Artistry in Carpentry
Pgh, PA
I'm from PA and these new codes had everyone in my area all shook up at first. I don't think it is going to be that big of a deal though.
Even though the township opted out you still need to build to code. It just means that they are not providing the inspectors. They should either have a contract with an independent inspector that you would have to use, or at the very least they should have a list of inspectors for you to call and get your own.
As far as the basement egress... You do NOT need an egress from a family room. But you do need one from every bedroom that you put in a basement. I lost a job recently due to the fact that I thought you did need egress from any seperate room in the basement, but I was wrong. And the inspector told me so!
yes .. bedroom .. sleeping room .. how ever they word it.
Just don't tell the inspector the game room is where the kid in college is gonna sleep on holiday weekends!
Jeff Buck Construction
Artistry in Carpentry
Pgh, PA
I'll also recomend the Scape Well. Nice product. Yes you need 2 means of egress.
The only thing municipalities can opt out of is having thier own inspectors. If they opt out, a third party must do the inspections. Doesn't matter to me. The area I do work in has had codes as long as I've been in business.Greg Werner- Werner Building & Remodeling
Huntingdon PA