Does anyone have experience with this?
I mean, aside from shooting them. Shooting them is not a feasible solution, in this case.
Thanks for any info…
Pictures of pigeon poop to follow later…
“He said “Buck up baby, it’s okay. The sunlight on the floor will always fall.” ~ Sarah Harmer
spray the area with ammonia..
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming
WOW!!! What a Ride!
Forget the primal scream, just ROAR!!!
Have you ever heard of feed that makes them sterile?
Literally, so much poop in the tile roof valleys, it's causing the water to back up...not a good situation.
Very large project 30 buildings, 8 condos each building.
It's a warranty issue at this point.
"He said "Buck up baby, it's okay. The sunlight on the floor will always fall." ~ Sarah Harmer
Have you ever heard of feed that makes them sterile?
get it thru the state argicultural extension
Literally, so much poop in the tile roof valleys, it's causing the water to back up...not a good situation.
Very large project 30 buildings, 8 condos each building.
ammonia won't help here...
somebody has got to quit feeding them...
It's a warranty issue at this point.
you need serious pest control help with this one...
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming<!----><!----><!---->
WOW!!! What a Ride!Forget the primal scream, just ROAR!!!
state argicultural extension
I tried their website with no luck, but I'll make some phone calls today.
Yep, it is serious.
"He said "Buck up baby, it's okay. The sunlight on the floor will always fall." ~ Sarah Harmer
getting to roost else where isn't gonna work...
they need to be gone...
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming<!----><!----><!---->
WOW!!! What a Ride!Forget the primal scream, just ROAR!!!
It's a warranty issue at this point.
+++++++++++++++Fish, this might be a stupid question, but how is pest control a warranty issue?Seems to me it's a HO problem.That said, FWIW you might want to talk with the local fish & game folks to see if they can help -- raptor encouragement, that sort of thing. A few hawks in the area will definitely help control pigeons.Leon
warranty issue - yeah, i'd say this fits in with 'acts of God.'"Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing..."
The homeowners association is going after the builders...therefore, it has become a warranty issue that DH has been called upon to address (as a QA guy for the builder).
Yep, I believe part of it comes down to a design flaw, which has been passed on to their archy's. Not sure what good that will do, those pigeons are fairly persistant.
"He said "Buck up baby, it's okay. The sunlight on the floor will always fall." ~ Sarah Harmer
What exactly is the design flaw that attracts the birds?
They can't get your Goat if you don't tell them where it is hidden.
I'll try to get some pictures for you.
"He said "Buck up baby, it's okay. The sunlight on the floor will always fall." ~ Sarah Harmer
i had a guy working for me once who came from a very poor family
seems they would shoot pigeons and had a recipe called "pigeon pot pie "
maybee this is what you need to cull the flock and create a alternate food source
The homeowners association is going after the builders...therefore, it has become a warranty issue that DH has been called upon to address (as a QA guy for the builder).Yep, I believe part of it comes down to a design flaw, which has been passed on to their archy's. Not sure what good that will do, those pigeons are fairly persistant.************************IMO, still not a builder problem. If indeed the architect's design attracts pigeons (highly debatable IMO) yet met code and was accepted, it's the architect's problem. Builder's job is to execute the architect's designs in conformity with code, not to re-design them.If they don't meet code, it's another problem, but one asks then, how did it pass inspection -- thereby putting some of it onto the jurisdiction's inspectors.And pigeon pie can be very tasty.
The archys are employed by the builder in this case.
"He said "Buck up baby, it's okay. The sunlight on the floor will always fall." ~ Sarah Harmer
Ah. That I didn't realize.Wow. Good luck on that one.Leon
get several of these for your roof gutters...
View Image
Great Pict.
How does this one end.
Does the cat get his girl?
I posted that pic first in the Tavern under the thread "caption this!"
Some funny captions to be seen. Mine was....
"Luke...Stay on target....Stay on target!!!""No doubt exists that all women are crazy; it's only a question of degree." - W.C. Fields
Have you considered using bird spikes?
I've installed the nixalite brand of spikes before. Pretty Simple.
Yep, spikes were installed when the building were built.
Absolutey no help.
"He said "Buck up baby, it's okay. The sunlight on the floor will always fall." ~ Sarah Harmer
I think you need yourself a couple a' falcons.
"Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing..."
here they use replicas of owels hanging from a line under the eves
Owls did no use either.
Them pigeons are persistant.
"He said "Buck up baby, it's okay. The sunlight on the floor will always fall." ~ Sarah Harmer
Neat project. (Well dirty but holy moley)
I would try decoy Owl's.
If you could get it to rain cats and dogs, you are GTG.
If there is a falconer in the area and DNR (Dept of Natural Resources) doesnt have a problem with it, that would be a great one. (not many falconers around any more)
we've used Nix-a-lite spike wire to keep birds from roosting...
here's a link
Spikes were installed when the buildings were built. No use.
"He said "Buck up baby, it's okay. The sunlight on the floor will always fall." ~ Sarah Harmer
When my friend was a kid, he'd go to the Memphis Zoo with crackers. He said if you toss the crackers on the ground the pigeons would come. If you were fast, you could give them a kick and stun them. Then they pick 'em up and toss them over the fence to the polar bears.
if that wouldn't work, I'd hire a pest control guy.
Looking into sonic controls now...just not sure they are suitable for residential areas.
research continues...
"He said "Buck up baby, it's okay. The sunlight on the floor will always fall." ~ Sarah Harmer
Lol, I think I have stumbled on to the solution upon researching the sonic units:
They are supposed to give the pigeons a migraine headache...
Ha! There inlies the birth control!!!
"Coo, coo,...cooooo."
"Not tonight hun, I have a headache."
Should cut down on
"He said "Buck up baby, it's okay. The sunlight on the floor will always fall." ~ Sarah Harmer
Pigeons are rats with wings. Filthy vile creatures. You should start a rummor that they carry the bird flue strain that will kill people along with an erradication strategy. That way you are seen as the guy who is good instead of the guy who kills nice fuzzy wuzzy birds.
I did some work with a company some years back - their product was a spray which was called "Flight Control".
A registered pesticide I believe, meaning it would have to be applied by a licensed pest control operator.
Used for controlling resident (non-migratory) Canada geese. Usually sprayed on grass - treatment lasted until the grass grew out and was cut. Don't know how/if it would work on a roof top. Water based spray was essentially colorless when dried.
They were testing on pigeon control - don't know how it all worked out - worth a google.
Edit: Flight Control or Flight Control Plus - contact manufacturer for more info re: pigeons - does not kill them - it re-trains them away from your facility. I would call a pest control operator in your area.
Edited 2/8/2008 12:34 pm ET by JTC1
Jim, (and all)
Thanks for the info, I'll check it out.
"He said "Buck up baby, it's okay. The sunlight on the floor will always fall." ~ Sarah Harmer
Just a thought. With that many birds there must be a food source nearby, maybe you could interrupt that some how.
Well I don't think the homeowners are feeding them. They are the ones complaining about them.
The project has open fields on one side though.
be sticking out like a sore thumb...
"He said "Buck up baby, it's okay. The sunlight on the floor will always fall." ~ Sarah Harmer
Try this site: , it's an aerosol generator, not the wires.
Looking into the sound repellors now, thanks.
"He said "Buck up baby, it's okay. The sunlight on the floor will always fall." ~ Sarah Harmer
Sound repellers only work for a short period of time, then the birds become use to them. Much like a scare crow.
Sorry to be neg. but I witnessed this first hand with crows.
Gotta use spikes, needles, netting, you must prevent them from perching- nothing else works, and you have to protect even the smallest areas.