I’m finishing an addition, built by someone else, where the center portion of the roof, opposite a steep dormer is unventable. The roof is truss, with 2×8, 24 o.c. connecting the trusses over an eight foot span horizontally. 2×4 strapping, steel roof, skylight in the middle.
An Idea’s on insulating?? packem with r 20? Snow should not build up on the steep steel roof. Will this bake the paint off the outside steel in summer?
Any thoughts would be awesome.
This is an answer that will mostly serve the purpose of bumping your question up near the top where more people can see it, but...I imagine the paint on the roof is baked on to begin with, so more heat shouldn't hurt it. I would say packing it full of insulation would be fine. Foam might be better than say cellulose, as my concern would be condensation of water vapor.