The front porch on my house is going to be fairly high off the ground, between about 5′ and 7′ off the current grade. I believe that there will be grade beams with piers supporting the structure, about a 3′ roof overhang on the three opens sides, and brick cladding on the three walls of the porch under the floor.
I’m planning on going with Tendura or T&G IPE for the flooring.
The real question is, should all the framing under the porch floor be treated lumber?
Dunno about the Fort Worth area, but around here I'd insist on treated.
Probably. You ever hear of termites?
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Aw, they don't have termites in Texas.
So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable Creature, since it enables one to find or make a Reason for everything one has a mind to do. --Benjamin Franklin
The house itself will be on cripple walls similar to the front porch. So the difference between the porch and the rest of the hosue is in how much moisture comes through a water resistant floor under roof with ventilation underneath.
For termites, I am planning on having Termidor professionally applied and apply Boracare myself. Termites "shouldn't" be an issue.
Since the porch is that high off the ground, I plan on adding a regular steel door cut to size for access and possible storage underneath the porch.