Preferential product/mfgr association.

Preferential product and or manufacturer association. I’ve been wondering about this during this past Summer while browsing the various HVAC contractor websites and yellow page advertisements. Every HVAC contractor seems to have a preferred manufacturer, and by the time you look at 5-10 HVAC contractors it seems EVERY manufacturer has been identified as preferred by an HVAC contractor.
This reminds me of the time I tried to get the skinny on cell phone providers. I could not find one better than the other as determined by all of the people I asked. Hence, they were all being used, all had about the same thing to say, and nothing unique to decide a better weighting of one over the other.
So, if I look at the five largest advertisers in the yellow pages and then five websites I am assured that almost every AC manufacturer is going to be represented as some HVAC contractor’s preferred choice. Is it just me, or is their financial favoritism going on here? Ahem, what I am curious about is whether some manufacturers give enticements, whether directly to the HVAC contractor or through their distributor, that make this the case?
For instance, is there a tell-tale sign that if HVAC contractor advertises he uses manufacturer X to stay away from them as a result? What good is a great HVAC installer if what they install is
sobriety is the root cause of dementia.
I guess its a trade secret. :)
"Hi everybody. I'm the most reputable HVAC contractor around. I use nothing but the best products from the best manufacturer. All others are ####, and unless you want crappy products along with questionable service then be prepared to pay for the best in products and my service."
With this you can insert any HVAC contractor in Georgia and any HVAC product manufacturers and the end result will be a quote within $1,000 of one-another (across the spread) for the exact same capacity.
Now, this isn't to say there are better products and better contractors, but there isn't way to find that out. So, who are the Top Five manufacturers of consumer residential heating and AC systems? And with that response, should I consider a) all other manufacturers as a gamble, and b) those not using any of the top five questionable since they are not using better products?
Don't ask me, I just burn wood or open the window.
sobriety is the root cause of dementia.
Thing is...all the major brands are probably very good. As long as the HVAC contractor is reputable and has been around a while, and will stand behind their product, who cares what the brand name is?
I've noticed in carpentry/contracting that customers prefer it if you have strong opinions about things. They perceive it as wishy-washy if you don't really have a preference on wood type, doorknob brand, housewrap type, etc. While I think many products are good I try to pick the one I think is best for the customer.
There is no "best" flooring. There is no "best" heating plant. But people hire confidence, and confidence is advocating for the brand you have found to work well across many situations.
Ok, so I only need to find someone that matches that descirption, but I am not thinking FHB has any HVAC contractors willing to open up and explain why they go with A vs B. :)