Questions about roof construction

This summer, I would made a metal roof with a slope of 7/12 for my house, since my actual roof do have a low slope of arround 3.5/12, and are cover with asphalt shingle.
The house are 20 feet large and width, and the roof 24 feet large and width.
I would build the new roof over the old roof without taking apart the old roof, I would build the new roof trusts (with the steel sheet on it) on the ground and made it raise over the old roof.
Do a finished metal roof (with the steel sheet fixed of the metal roof wood frame) can be lift without falling apart ?
what is your current roof framed with?
I dont think its practical to do what your suggesting but to each its own. Have you evaluated what your current roof framing is and how much more weight you will be adding to it?
for the cost of building on the ground and lifting the entire roof i would imagine it would be simpler to rebuild a lumber roof with higher pitch...BUT its your house.
Nothing (well almost nothing) is impossible, that doesnt mean it should be done or that it will be cost effective.
What country is teh building?
Where are you?
I've quoted trusses for several people who were considering doing just exactly what you're proposing. But once they figured out how much it would cost not one of them ever went through with it.
One of the problems is figuring out what to do at the fascia line. Another challenge is building up a bearing surface for the trusses.
It's not easy, and I'll bet you give up on the idea.
OK, I will not raise the finished metal roof, so I will build it step by step on the house old roof.
There is a membrane under the roof shingles, wen I will remove the old shingles, I could not build the truss and put the metal sheets in one day, if it's raining, do the nail holes in the membrane will let the water rain get through it ?
I'm in Canada.
This is why you typically "tarp" the roof.
if you will be uncovering the roof for several days and cant schedule the work when you know you will have several days without precipitation, then you can either work the roof in manageable daily sections or remove all the shingles, re felt the roof and continue working on your trusses that way.
whenever you tear off your existing shingles you will damage the underlayment and leave your house vulnerable to water. so some sort of protection will be needed if rain does fall while your still working on the new roof.