I will be ordering 18″ x 18″ tile for a kitchen remodel, basically a rectangular area. The client wants to run the tile diagonally, which will look great in the space.
The question is how much more to order to account for running on the diagonal?
What has worked for you?
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I have always used 15% for square layouts, 25% for those done on the 45.
Home Improvements
Would the size of the tile make any difference as to the amount of waste you would expect from diagonal?
In other words, would you expect less waste from large tile (fewer cuts) than small tile?
Would the % be the same?_______________________________________________________________
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What JD said.
Cheap insurance against coming up short and bringing the job to a halt. Buy extra.[email protected]
It's Never Too Late To Become What You Might Have Been
I would think it would be the same.....maybe more for larger tiles in reality.
One bad cut using larger tile screws up a larger surface area. (More square footage going to waste.)
Free dovetail & splintie!
(they're gonna drive the guards bonkers)
This is a link for a tile estimator at John Bridge.com
Chuck Slive, work, build, ...better with wood
If its a simple rectangular area, why not lay it out really quick on graph paper and figure out how many tiles you'll need for the cuts? A few inches difference in the dimensions of the room could make a big difference in how much extra tile you need. If you don't do the layout, I'd run with 25% overage just to be safe- nothing sucks more than coming up one tile short on special order material...............
Consider this basic 10' x 10' tile grid:
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12" x 12' diagonal:
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Try again:
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Heck, you got an ACAD program on your 'puter? Draw the floor and lay in an 18x18 grid rotated 45ยบ. Count the tiles and half-tiles. Then order 10% more for breakage, bad cuts, yadda-yadda.
How now, Mighty Sauron, that thou art not brought
low by this? For thine evil pales before that which
foolish men call Justice....
No ACAD, no CAD, so SAD. But my trusty pencil tells me that for regular dimensions to the full tile or the half tile diagonally, the count is the same. In the case of the ideal layout for 12' x 12" tile, the count is less for diagonal!
I know that this almost never happens in the real world, so there will be more waste than in my trail studies, but I believe the numbers of tiles are closer than most would think, especially using large tile._______________________________________________________________
Okay; pencils still work, too, LOL. But call the supplier and find out how many tiles come in a box. Then figure your order so you've got at least one whole box too much, including the standard 10% wastage. You can return full, unopened boxes for credit (at least my suppliers allow that), and if you do run short and have to go into that last box, the HO has to pay for it but gets the savings of you not having to run back to the store for another box at the last minute.
You are doing this on T&M, I hope...?Dinosaur
How now, Mighty Sauron, that thou art not broughtlow by this? For thine evil pales before that whichfoolish men call Justice....
T & M? Actually, yes, but I have bid tile jobs like this many times. This is just part of a large remodel I will be starting soon. The question about how much tile to add due to going diagonal was really mostly a mental exercise for me; I wondered how much effect tile size would have on the application of a 'percentage'.
I know about the box rule. Around here there are no returns of 'special order' items._______________________________________________________________
Self-trust is the first secret of success. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
As far as I can figure it, the only way tile size would make a difference would be if the edge tiles wound up being cut larger than half. If the layout gave you edge tiles smaller than half a tile, you get to use both halves (minus whatever scrap). If they're larger than a half-tile, you need a full tile for each and have to throw away the cut-offs.
You have the same problem whether you're setting them straight or at 45ยบ. Only the shape of the tiles in the border rows changes; not the square-inch coverage.Dinosaur
How now, Mighty Sauron, that thou art not broughtlow by this? For thine evil pales before that whichfoolish men call Justice....