Lets try this again. Need some advice concerning what to use as A/C-heat source for a sunroom(200sqft.) Ran a vent out from the existing forced air unit, however the heating system will not heat the sunroom . Its too small and the therm. is in the middle of the house. The owner wanats a ac/heater put in the wall. I have afeeling she will complain about the noise and ultimately it wont be the quiet sanctuary it was ment to be. Anyone have any alternate solutions to the is problem or product suggestions. Cost is a concern unfortunately.
Jacobelly Building- Saftey first, Quality second, Production last. Might get somewhere.
Can you run a cold air return from the sunroom back to the forced air?? And maybe increase the size of the duct from the furnace??
Cold air return first.
Another day, another tool.
A ductless split system should do the job.
The inside unit looks similar a window unit, but only has the fan and coil. It is connected to the outside unit with tubing and electric like a central unit.
Does a split system have its own heat pump? Thanks Bobby
They come as both just AC and AC/Heatpump and maybe also AC/resistive heat.
I have a Four Seasons' sunroom and faced this problem of heating/cooling. The first thing the Four Seasons people tell you is: don't even think about using your home's unit to heat cool this thing, even if you have lots of capacity, because the demands of the sunroon are far different than the demands of the house (e.g. on a bright, sunny winter day that sunroom can get to 80ºF on thermal heat gain)>
We went with Four Seasons' recommendation of two through the wall units (like they have in hotel rooms) - if I had it to over again (and with the newer equipment available) I would have put a second FAG furnace in the basement, probably 40K BTU (or maybe a wall mounted furnace) with a dedicated A/C unit and its own air exchanger.
PS, I hate the through the wall units; they're noisey, expensive to run, and even with a combined 36K BTU, don't have the air volume to do the job properly.
Phill Giles
The Unionville Woodwright
Unionville, Ontario
Thank y0ou for responding. Do you know app. the cost diff. between aFAG and a hotel unit? Will I save money in the long run? Bobby
Sorry, I don't know the current pricing - I do know that a wall-mounted FAG furnace with it's own A/C unit would have been less than the 2 units we have; the basement solution was quite a bit more because of running ductwork through the concrete walls, but would have paid for itself in a few years with energy savings..
Phill Giles
The Unionville Woodwright
Unionville, Ontario
When we added our sun room a couple of years ago we originally had no plans to heat it, so we didn't provide anything to it from the main HVAC. We changed our minds before drywall and added a gas stove operated from a thermostat (with manual override). It looks great, is very soothing, and I'm very glad we did it. We opted to get the fan so it heats a larger area (1000 sf), and that is a little noisy, but it runs fine without the fan and would easily heat 200sf. Our stove looks like the old free standing wood stoves and is direct vented to the outside.
Can't offer any info on cooling - we didn't have any AC at the time. When we installed it we did not run any new ductwork to the sunroom; and while it is a couple degrees warmer in there, it is quite comfortable, so we don't miss it.