I have a friend building a new house. He’s trying to decide on a style of railing. Is there anyone out there that can inform me just how much of a cost difference there is from the photo I’ve attached and the standard oak hand rail with spindles?
It looks to me like the installation would be about the same if not a little easier with the rail in the photo but the materials more.
I resized that photo for ya.
Oh, and welcome to BreakTime Weezy. =)
~ Ted W ~
Cheap Tools! - MyToolbox.net
See my work - TedsCarpentry.com
Edited 4/3/2009 6:50 pm by Ted W.
I would contact a glass company to see if you can find someone that can / or will cut this glass for him. Railings may seem easy to do but installing railings that stay firm and don't wobble will be crucial with that glass. You need to know how you are going to install the newell post and make sure you have adequate framing to anchor the post to.