I’m looking for a good way to detail the roof-to-dormer connection on a rain screen wall.
On the main walls I’m using Coravent SV-3 (nominal 1/2″ thick ) as siding ventillation along the mud sills. But I’m not sure what’s a good way to add siding vents where the roof sheathing meets the dormer walls.
I suppose one could mount the Coravent, over Ice-and-Water, to the dormer wall about a half inch above the roof sheathing, then run water table (or go straight to my first course of cedar siding) over that, a little closer to the roof. But I’m afraid debris would tend to collect in that gap and hold moisture against the bottom of the siding.
Maybe I’m better off eliminating the siding vents on the dormer walls? Just go with an unvented airspace between Tuff-R and sidiing?
Greetings Tom,
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