Rain-screen wall detailing on gable ends
As I continue the residing job on top of a new pressure-equalized rain-screen wall structure, I’ve begun wondering how to detail the one large gable end of the house. All the articles on rain-screen walls I’ve seen show how to use a furring block and frieze board to create the necessary venting gap on the top of the eave sides, but none deal with the gable ends of a house. Are the frieze boards installed the same as on the eaves, only at a rake angle? Or is there some other technique involved?
Whatever detail you're using
under the eaves.... just turn the corner and run it up the gable end...?
That's sort of what I was gathering from the silence on the issue in all the articles I've read. Sounds reasonable--until you get lots of wind-driven rain (typhoons), at least.
Looks like our host got around to answering this question: ;)