Does anyone have any experience with recycled cotton batt insulation? I’m looking at a product from a company called Bonded Logic in Arizona that claims to be non-toxic and to last as long as fiberglass. They say it is stiffened with polyethylene resin to keep it from sagging, and treated with borates to banish molds and vermin. Is it worth the premium price, estimated to be approximatedly 30% higher than conventional fiberglass? I am trying to “go green” wherever I can in my re-model/addition, and would pay the extra if it really works and lasts.
I bought the Boded Logic insulation and am very happy with it. The best thing is not having to put on an environmental suit every time I worked with it. Did not even need gloves or goggles. I figured it was only a 15 - 20% premium over the nasty pink stuff when I bought it (about 4 years ago), but it was not distributed locally so I had to pay extra for shipping which probably brought it up to around your 30%
You do have to handle it a little more carefully. It holds up well but is not as strong as the fiberglass stuff because it does not have the paper or other backing. It also seems a little heavier in weight.
I bought their 3" as well as their 6" thick insulation, and found that the 6" was more durable and easy to handle. Again, this was 4 years ago and they may have changed things.
If you want to build green and don't mind the extra cost, I see nothing wrong with it.
Thanks for the information! The 30% came from the distributor as a ballpark generalization, so I don't know what the specific number would be in my case.BArbara