I need to replace our 17′ garage door. I could just get another 17
footer but thought it would look aesthetically more pleasing to put in a
divider and two 8 foot doors. I don’t however want to create an oddity
– are 8′ doors the norm for new construction or would I be putting in
what would be considered undersized doors?
Thanks in advance,
Terry Kovacs
Better yet, get a 17 foot door that looks like two doors
get your wallet out!
*MD, found some cheaper ones. Made by Artisan, they are just now introducing a new line. They're not made like the good ones, but go for half the price.SHG
*8' doors used to be the norm.. they are still readily available..9' being the accepted standard..any standard car will fit thru an 8' door.. just not as much room for error..we drive a buick lesabre with mirrors each side.. goes in and out just fine.....there are still marks on the jambs from when our daughter was learning to drive...given the choice between a 17' door or two 8'.. i'd choose the 8'sif i had room for 9's ... i'd use 9's...getting the cars in is no problem... opening the car doors between the 2 cars after they're in.. is more of a squeeze... but same thing with the 17' door..
*Well, two doors look good, better than one. But when you want to back in a trailer, or do some work on almost anything it doesn't fit. So, stick with one door. If you want the look of two spend the bucks you would have anyway to make two and just make it look like two. But stick with the one if you want the best use of the space.Unless, you are going to finish the job and use a wall to divide the interior into two separate stalls. Then you might save some energy by only dumping half the garage volume every time one vehicle leaves the garage.
*Sounds good. Do they have a website? Would like to get a look.thanks,MD
*http://www.artisandoorworks.com/index.htmThe new line is called Avalon. They don't have show it on the web site yet. In fact, I'm waiting for a brochure, which is supposed to be coming any day now. There aren't a whole lot of designs, just a few basic layouts with variations available. But, if you're not looking for a brick shithouse and want to cut the cost significantly, they are the only real alternative in town to making them yourself.SHG
*Thanks again, I bookmarked it. The cover page is beautiful. Will check it later on.MD
*As Mike points out, 8' is going to be a little narrow (IMHO). To find out if you can live with it, cut a 2x4 the height of your opening and wedge it into place leaving an 8' opening. You can probably do this and still raise & lower the door. Try it for a few days and see if it'll work for you.
*Thanks to everyone for the comments. I could live with the 8' doors but don't want to do anything that might hurt the resale of the house. I keep looking at the situation and understand that the 17 is more practical, on the other hand I don't see these big doors on new construction is this area and think that the two 8s would be more attractive and still quite useable.
*Why not put in a 6 inch wall in the center and use the 17 foot door it will look like two doors and open as one . the center could be made removeable so you could use the full width when needed.
I need to replace our 17' garage door. I could just get another 17
footer but thought it would look aesthetically more pleasing to put in a
divider and two 8 foot doors. I don't however want to create an oddity
- are 8' doors the norm for new construction or would I be putting in
what would be considered undersized doors?
Thanks in advance,
Terry Kovacs