Roof Stick Framing technique for R-49 Ceiling Insulation

I am bidding a roof framing job for a client. My problem is the new code for ceiling insulation in my area is R-49. This has to be stick framed not roof trusses. I was thinking of building the ceiling joist system, as if with 2×12’s @ 11-1/4″ in height framed more like a floor system with rim joists, not placing any plywood decking. Then adding a 2×6 plate picking up another 1_1/2″ over rim board/joist ends and cutting a 5″ height over plate in the rafters giving a total height over plate at rafter ends of ceiling of 17_3/4″ for R-49 over wall plate and enough for a Styrofoam insulation baffle. One question is due to the rafters just anchored to the added plate I believed I would have to then add a rafter tie in the bottom 1/3 of the height to ridge area on 4′ centers to stop the rafters from pushing out at the plate from snow loads. Am I correct or does someone have a better technique.
Thanks, George M. Morio Builder
Are the rafters in the same direction as the joists?
Yes, but sitting on a 2x6 plate on top of the joists & band beam. Thanks for your reply!
Put your rafters on top of instead of next to your ceiling joists. Size the joists to get your 12” nominal at the wall. Use 2x12 blocking. With today’s lumber prices you’ll save a bundle. You’ll need some straps to hold the rafters to the top plate.