Built a shed. Roofing it now. 3 tab, 5″ expose, 4:12 gable roof.
What do ya do with the roof shingles, not the cap, at the ridge?
Fold ’em all over? Fold the last row over? Cut ’em all flush?
I kinda want to fold the last row from each side over and hide the edges under the cap shingles.
edit for clarity. st
Edited 10/11/2005 8:16 am ET by SamT
you need a cap flash for a peak
drop me an email and i'll fax you a drawing
I've got the last two rows to put on and the tops of both will run past the ridge.
Should I cut them to fit to the ridge or run them over it?
Yeah, this is the first roof job I,ve done and so far it looks good, but Iwould like to know what the experts recommend before I scre... uh, mess it up.
if it worked out perfect both courses should fold over the ridge about 2" ( 12" shingle , 5" course... ).. anyways.. they fold over the ridge.. if they hang down the other side too much , you trim them enough so the caps will cover and hide the laps.
the caps , that you cut from your 3-tab shingle are also 12" so they will cover about 5" on each side ( 6" but the fold uses some of it )
you can run your caps , 5" exposure from one gable end to the other.. or from both gable ends to the middle with a half cap covering the last oneMike Smith Rhode Island : Design / Build / Repair / Restore
>>if it worked out perfect both courses should fold over the ridge about 2"
That's what I did. And it "worked out perfect"