eCabs software, free, from Thermwood.
Set up to design your cabs just about any way you prefer to build them. Faceframed, frameless, toekick attached or not, any thickness materials you want to use, no fixed increments, any doors, drawerfronts, etc.
Generates completely accurate cut lists, buy lists, parts nesting if you want, etc. Shows you where to place all your hardware-mounting holes.
Once you use the software to “build” a cab in every type you could possibly use, with H x W x D size just generic, you can then load a “batch” of cabs with sizes specific to your job, and produce the lists for that job, then start whacking away.
This is a joke, right?
What makes you think this is a joke? Did I mistype a freudian slip into my original post?
The software is easy to learn and use. Here are pics of my model of an oft-used basecab, one with a single drawer at top, and behind double doors below, a pair of pull outs.
This model shows mortise and tenon joinery for the cab, and I ship the files to a CNC shop to whack the carcase parts for me. Many users, though, detail out their cab models using flush joints or simpler thru dados, and chop all the stuff themselves in their shops with smaller machinery like tablesaws and router tables.
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And here is a shop maybe not too far from your 20 where you can see the software in action:
Americraft, Inc., Conyers, GA.
Edited 9/9/2007 11:59 am ET by Gene_Davis
Sweet. Thanks very much. Just thought you were pulling everybody's leg because it sounded too good to be true.
I'll save you some time- here's the link for the sign-up page:
"I cut this piece four times and it's still too short."
I went and requested my copy. Thanks Gene!
no joke, the parts list it kicks out is loaded with numbers for items they sell like their hinges. but you can buy from anyone.
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
How do you know that? My copy allows me to select hinges, slides, knobs and pulls, and other things, from a pretty large variety of manufacturers.
The costs loaded into the database are those that eCabs can sell them to you for, but are not as good as you can do by buying wholesale.
I complained to Thermwood about the software because Mepla Alfit's product lines of slides were not there, and allegedly, the next release will permit editing of the hardware database per user needs.
I just use a x=y workaround with the as-is package, translating a Grass slide for a Mepla one in my outputs.
I downloaded it and tried using it for a couple of jobs back in about '99. It may be slightly different now. I don't use it anymore.
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
Thanks for the heads up. Does it print on a standard PC type printer like AutoCad, or do you have to have a plotter?