Sealing new pipe penetrations in an existing stucco building
I have a building in my backyard here in Northern California that I am converting to a small dwelling unit. If memory serves, the layers are as follows:
1. 5/8” drywall
2. 2×6 studs
3. 1/2” cdx plywood
4. Some kind of kraft paper and lathe substrate (I think there is chicken wire of some sort associated with it)
4. La Habra 7/8” 3-coat integral color stucco finish with an antifracture membrane between the final two coats
My question is this: How should I best seal around new pipe penetrations for new electrical and gas conduits entering the building? Because the stucco is integral color, I probably will not need to paint it, but if it can be helped a tan color is probably preferable to white, black or clear. Obviously the waterproofing is the main thing.
You should be able to find a compatible colored Urethane caulk at a Masonry supply house. Brands I recommend, Tremco and Sonolast. Another Urethane brand at hardware, paint, or roofing and building supply’s would be OSI.
Good seal and paintable if you need to.
I would probably sleeve the penetration then insert the pipe and seal that. Running the sleeve with slight pitch to the outside.