Just wondering,
I am going to put in a spriral stair from the first floor to the basement. Does anyone have any prefrences for spiral stair companies? Or strong opinions regarding kits vs. non-kits? Or words of wisdom from experience? I have approximately 11’8″ from floor to floor and am still trying to decide on how I want to set the stair with respect to landing location and rotation. I have enough space and access that I could purchase a non-kit if I desired. My upstairs landing is flexible enough that I should be able to get the downstairs landing right where I want it. Just looking for information from experience. Thanks for the help.
Stan Foster or Armin (havent seen him in a while, and he may have a new screen name) might have some suggestions.
I have a 6' diameter kit from the Iron Shop, that meets code. It is our main stair (indoors) and gets a lot of use. We are happy with it and it seems to be holding up fine.
I had them make a round well rail also and had everything powdercoated white. Oak steps from them also.
The aluminum hand rail was a challenge to form, my wife helped ; ^ )
I have no experience with any other spirals.
Trust in God, but row away from the rocks.
stairways inc. out of texas... should be able to find em on the web... kits, 1pc, sections... always seemed to care what they sold you... good people...and alot cheaper then you could even think about building one for...my experience
one i did came in 1pc... inspector had come by... and he was just doing a pre-inspection (old building) and i was ask'n what he liked to see and how... (was to be a rest/bar/club) stair came in on a truck that afternoon really nowhere to put it (6'dia x12ft tall) so we just cut the L shaped hole in the floor headered up and screwed the thing down into position...put in maybe 4-5 lag bolts to the header... and she was done... inspector stops by the next day... stops... looks... walks around... spends at least 20min try'n to figure out why he didn't remember see'n those stairs to the basement yesterday... don't know if anyone ever told him...
Thanks all. Checking out the options.
Ive also installed kits from The Iron Shop. Pretty easy to install and a pretty solid product.