hi everyone
does anyone know of a link to a fhb detail or article of a roof to wall intersection? more specifally, a shed roof to the gable end of an existing house. i am more interested in the flashing detail but a framing detail would also be good. it is for tieing in a standing seam shed roof into a wall with horizontal chanel siding.
thanks in advance
Shed roof detail
I don't know of an article showing this detail, but it is pretty simple to describe and build. You will need to remove the siding at the existing wall where you want to tie the new shed roof in. Be careful to keep the building paper in tact. Fold the paper up and out of the way exposing the bare sheathing where you will attach your ledger (rafter plate). Next, attach the ledger, usually the same size as your rafter stock or larger, to the gable end wall studs or rim joist (depending on where it hits the wall). Frame and sheath the roof in standard fashion. It's not necessary to bevel the top of the ledger just make sure the tops of your rafters are flush with the top of your ledger and the sheathing will simply span that small gap. Now paper your new roof. The next piece of the puzzle is the receiver for the standing seam roof. It is a flashing "box" that lays on the roof and has a wall leg that gets attached to the gable end wall. Now you can flash the top of the receiver with Ice and Water Shield and lap your housewrap back on top of the Ice and Water Shield. Now you are ready to replace your siding. The siding wants to lap over the flashing leg of the receiver by at least an inch, but does not want to sit down tight on top. You may want to rabbet the back of your channel lap to "jump" the top of the receiver to insure that your siding goes on flat. The actual standing seam panels can go in anytime since they simply tuck into the receiver. I hope this is helpful. I attached a simple Sketchup drawing too which doesn't really show the housewrap and Ice and Water Shield.
Nice Sketchup work.
Thanks Scott, That's about as good as it gets from me. I know how to draw shapes and that's about it. I did design my new house with it though. I use it all the time for shop drawings and even for structural drawings to satisfy building inspectors. They seem to like it better than my old legal pad chicken scratch!
shed roof to building wall
Hooking a shed roof to a building wall you need to know what is supporting the shed roof
If you are in a area with frost the roof posts or wall must be supported to the same depth as the main building
Otherwise you will get frost heaving at the roof to wall joint
I have a shed roof butting against a cut limestone wall on my woodshed
The woodshed is on a floating pad so the frost really plays havoc with the joint , about as water tight as a sieve (built 1875 )
I know how to make a joint that would flex its hooking the flashing to the stone that woud be a neat trick to get a good seal
The roof is 30 ft long .