Latest request is from a guy fixing up his house which was build back in the 1930’s. The floor was refinished (and looks great) and all of the shoe molding was removed. Now, they want me to put shoe molding back, but they don’t have any samples of what was there before. They said 1/4 round would be fine, but if it’s not too much trouble, I’d like to be as “authentic” as I can.
So, anyone know what kind of shoe molding the house might have originally had?
Probably had shoe mould, not quarter round. Quarter round looks goofy when used for shoe mould.
I agree with Mark, quarter round is not authentic. Shoe comes in a variety of sizes and depending on the size of the baseboard, should be in proportion (You would use a larger shoe on a larger base).
The CM
They probably had a version of 1/4 round. Usually the older stuff is about 7/8" on the wall side and 5/8' to 3/4" on the floor side. Its taller then wide, does that make sense?
Don, this from a house that vintage in NW Oh.
Bullnose "stop" looking. 1-1/4'' x shy 1/2''.
A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
Thanks, everyone.
Calvin: that picture is just about what's in the house I'll be working on. That "shoe" molding looks pretty good.
I've used cut down modern door stop to to simulate that shoe .
good luck
The base itself is an interesting profile too. Do you think it is a two piece base or 1? And, roughly how tall is the base?
Edited 1/15/2006 7:30 am ET by Matt they have many profiles to chose from
Matt, It is a two pc. This room was already scavenged of parts for a kitchen remodel I did a few years b/4. Luckily with the closet I removed in here and a little ingenuity I was able to pc it together to complete the project. Overall the base is about 7''A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
Thanks Cal...
I live in a circa 1931 house and the shoe base is original and its same as todays .the base is about 6" wide with a 1" base cap on it .When I need to match it I take the standard base cap available approx 1"3/8 and rip the small edge off it .Then it matches almost exact
I like to use #101 and from Dykes Lumber (local for us) bit of a dust catcher for sure but a nicer look.
The awful thing is that beauty is mysterious as well as terrible. God and the devil are fighting there, and the battlefield is the heart of man.
- Fyodor Dostoyevski
Mine, from 1926, is more of a quarter oval than quarter round. It seems to be about 3/4" on the wall by 1/2" on the floor. That's just guessing from memory, I can measure a piece if you want. The other thing to do on your end is look all over the house, look in closets, etc, for a place where some of the original base and shoe may have been left intact.
-- J.S.