shingles I had installed require inch and one half nails. woofer used inch and one quarter. willl this create a problem
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y did you call him a woofer ?
how do you know they require 1.5" nails?
what is the brand and type of shingle...?
1.5" is .25" longer than standard length.. why are they requiring 1.5"?
*I think the code requires that the nails pass thru the roof sheathing.The length required depends on how many layers are on the roof and the thickness of each layer.I would look at the roofing and sheathing and see what length is required.
*I've laid thousands of squares of woofing wiff 7/8" inch nails. 1-1/4" for nail over s and architechtural grade.If nail; penetrates back of sheathing it has done all it possibly can do. eg. a 7/8" nail in 240# shingles on 1/2" plywood will break through the plywood. Holding is relational to wood displaced by the nail. an extra 1/2" of nail in the attic will not hold on to the air it is displacing.
*You weally can't twust those wascally woofers.Actually Cathy,This does depend on weather or not there were existing shingles on your roof and what type of sheathing. Do you know these things? Can you tell us??I just did a $1600.00 repair on a roof with 1" nails holding down a 3rd layer reroof.Pete
*Cathy will now type one hundred times:I will pwoofweed and spellcheck before posting.Don't be embar assed...We all make mistakes but it takes good fortune to make'm entertaining like this has been. Wish you well wiff your woofing.
*how many squares have you laid with 1/2 inch "stubbies" ?or 3/4 stubbies?ever have 'em blow off ?any board roofing exposed to view below gets installed with stubbies , don' it ?just anudder igorant woofer......
shingles I had installed require inch and one half nails. woofer used inch and one quarter. willl this create a problem