I’m adding a porch on to the front of my house and need to keep the pitch of the porch roof to a minimum. What is the minimum slope for a standing-seam metal roof?
Also, does anyone have suggestions for manufacturer and source for standing-seam metal roofing for a small, residential application?
Minimum that I know is 1/4 on 12 but more is better. Try local yards or this site,
That 1/4" per foot is on membrane type roofs. For metal 4/12 is better - no less than 2/12.
Excellence is its own reward!
Metalsales specs out some standing seam at 1/4 per foot and I have seen some R panels installed at this. Like I said, more is better.
That must be some powerful detailed spec sheet to do that in snow country..
Excellence is its own reward!
I do custom fabricated copper roofs. The old guys taught me and the old books say not to put standing seam on a pitch of less than 4/12. BUT, this is because of the lateral seams, not the standing seams. With roll forming capabilities, the lateral seams can be eliminated, so the lowest slope is going to be what the particular manufacturer recommends. You probably should pick your roof material out first and pitch the roof accordingly. If your roof is a very low pitch, I would install ice and water shield before the metal as a second course of defence.