So I went to retrieve some drywall tools I had left in a client’s basement last fall, and there were two brand new buckets of mud that I forgot I had also left there. Heat’s been off all winter, so they’ve probably frozen to some degree. Haven’t opened them yet to have a look.
I know it says protect from freezing on the bucket, but would freezing really ruin it? it’s just water and gypsum, right?
No - it also contains modifiers and bonding agent like PVA ( polyvinyl acetate - white glue)
If when it thaws, it shopws sign of any separation or an off odor like ammonia, it is definitely goine bad. If it does not show those symptoms, it is only probably gone bad.
Why chance it fdor only $25 worth of compound when using it will involve the potential loss of hundreds of dollars worth of labour
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Thanks. I guess it's not worth the bother. Hard part is finding a place to dump the mud so I can keep the buckets...Steve
cardboard box. let it dry out then pitch in trash.
It would be a shame not to save the buckets.
"Member of the Jewish Carpenters Union"
>>It would be a shame not to save the buckets.<<I never heard the end of it once for actually paying for a bucket from Home Despot...Steve
"Member of the Jewish Carpenters Union"
you bought one of those orange buckets? i didn't think anyone ever really bought one....... lol larryif a man speaks in the forest,and there's not a woman to hear him,is he still wrong?
I bought one in a pinch.
Darn right! they charge about the same for the buckets at teh orange box whether they have mud or air in them
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
I need a bucket full of air! ;-)
LOL, hot or cold?
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
Um, I needED. Damn past participle! :-D