I posted a month or so ago about an excavator getting stuck in the mud. Couldn’t find that thread, but here’s an update.
Value of the land $65k , value of stuck equipment $300k ouch
I posted a month or so ago about an excavator getting stuck in the mud. Couldn’t find that thread, but here’s an update.
Value of the land $65k , value of stuck equipment $300k ouch
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Oh, oh - subcategory "why womwn live longer?"
Last night should have been a further reminder of why women live longer. I heard some big stuff going off.
Now that's funny...she may have a point.
Looks to me like they need to establish a huge anchor point utside all that mess. Then get a crane in there to act as winch. With some 1 inch or bigger cable, and about a half dozen huge snatch blocks. 3 per end.
I think a lot of wood planking topped by steel girders is what's needed. Build a raft.
So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable Creature, since it enables one to find or make a Reason for everything one has a mind to do. --Benjamin Franklin
(And if the raft were built AROUND each piece the lift could be performed using simple winches, vs having to risk a large crane.)
So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable Creature, since it enables one to find or make a Reason for everything one has a mind to do. --Benjamin Franklin
When I drove home tues. night, there was a large crane down there, looks like it had just arrived. Don't know if they were going after the excavators though, they just started working on the trestle.
This should of been his 1st choice, don't think it will help now!!
That looks really cool. Is it wrong that I thought of at least 4 things immediatly I'd like to drive that over and through?
i thought my week had been realy screwed up. now i feel much better.
thank you!
I had a similar situation with a bulldozer in the Canadian Arctic in winter. We were building an ice road through the narrows of two islands. The ice was just too soft. the dozer went through and got stuck in the sandy muck at the bottom with nothing but the roll cage sticking out of the water. We got it out with a 950 Cat Loader, D8 Cat Dozer, two really big trees, some crane cable, and one clever engineer to come up with the plan in the first place. Worked like a charm.
Exactly.I believe my plan could bring those two backhoes out of there just as easily.The crane has to remain on high, dry ground.And the rigging should be set up the same as when I move a big rv trailer, or huge log, or whatever.All you really need is the crane, the 6 big enough snatch blocks, and maybe a really good anchor point behind the crane.
Yeh... That'll work.
Saw the crane set up down there yesterday. Hopefully the paper will have some pics the next day or two.
Now you got it! What are you waiting for? Let's get down there and get us a couple of excavators. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
here we go. 1 recovered.
I'm impressed! I didn't think a crane would be able to do it. The suction from the muck is incredible.
number two !!!! Looks like the mud held this one a little tighter.
> "I just want to get (the excavator) on the flatbed and get out of here," he said.Anyone want to guess what words the guy actually used in that parenthetic clause?
So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable Creature, since it enables one to find or make a Reason for everything one has a mind to do. --Benjamin Franklin
Believe me, I really really know the frustration these guys were feeling.I have a similar bog down at the foot of my old driveway.I could have built a garage from all the 'filler', (Bags of setup concrete, tons and tons of gravel and large rock, -huge- chunks of asphalt, bricks, concrete blocks, piles of drywall, etc...) I have dropped in that bog, only to watch it all disappear, and the bog beg for more...
Yeh... That'll work.
That's really weird. I have a friend in China that has a bog and Bags of setup concrete, tons and tons of gravel and large rock, -huge- chunks of asphalt, bricks, concrete blocks, piles of drywall, etc have been coming up from his bog. His yard is now full of the stuff, and he doesn't know where it all came from. Too bad you two aren't closer. :)
Wouldn't surprise me a bit.;o)
Yeh... That'll work.
It only takes 4 castles to fill in the swamp...
Our mud here in California has a similar affinity for heavy machinery. However, because everything here is more expensive, our mud will only except higher priced equipment.
Long story short, city of San Jose contracted to have a tunnel bored under a city creek to allow for large pipe to be installed. Contractor rents the required special equipment, smart move, a large tunneling machine to do most of the work. As might be expected while tunneling under an active stream, he hits water and the machine become mired in mud. The machine is still buried two years later and everyone is suing everyone. See attached story.
There is a story here that a bulldozer was excavating over a (previously unknown) underground river. We have a lot of limestone around here, so it's not too unbelievable. When the dome broke through the operator swam for his life. It seems that a local brewery owns the water rights to the river, but didn't actually know its course. A friend of mine tapped into it for a geo-thermal heat pump. He was allowed to take out all he wanted but had to discharge the waste into the storm sewer.
Did the brewery want the water after that operator soiled his pants in it??
So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable Creature, since it enables one to find or make a Reason for everything one has a mind to do. --Benjamin Franklin
Miller High Life?
Seems to me that it would be quicker to get a few mechanics in wet suits to disassemble it & put it back together...
Bet the first guy to get stuck wishes he'd just called for a crane the next day. That things been in there for a couple of months.