Working on a house for Habitat for Humanity. House is built on a slab. A piece of f3/4 ply was on the sill to place the door. This was done so the door would open/close when the finished floor was installed.
The ply was glued and nailed to the sill, then flashed with vycor. The door was installed with culking under the treshold. On the outside , a handicap ramp has been installed with the landing installed at the same height as the top of the ply that is under the door. Decking was installed after Z flashing was put into place.
I checked on the house after the big snow hit New England. I noticed that water was seeping under (what it looks like) the plywood. I saw snow and ice up against the door.
The install steps were supposed to be taken by the volunteer door installers (capable folks) but something is not right.
Dose not seem to be an easy fix to me. Any suggestions? Thanks
Can you draw, scan and post a picture showing the overlaps of the installed flashing and membranes?
Show how the corner of the vycor was done at each end. When you make your own "pan" the detail at that corner is very important. Too many times up and over the sill area is done without over-flashing the corner made by the rough opening.
there's a flexible flashing that you can mold one pc. around and up that opening. It produces a one pc. panning much easier.
also, how does the siding and trim work with that flat entryway?
Note that if snow was piled against the door it very easily could have "dammed up" like a roof dam, forcing water through every available crevice, even if properly flashed.