I stumbled across a site yesterday that had some–to me–astounding numbers. It was a list of Energy Value Housing
Awards, given out by the research arm of the National Association of Home Builders. These were all state of the art
energy-efficient homes. The range of PSF costs, which were presumably turn-key, excluding land and other fees: $42
in LA; $56 in San Antonio, with the builder guaranteeing that average heating/cooling costs would not be above $17;
how about $39 for an ICF in Tampa?
Many in the $60’s, 70’s, 80’s. Naturally some clunkers, like $191 in South Carolina. As much as anything, I was
astounded as much by the RANGE, as by how low some were. Certainly there are differences in labor/material costs in
various parts of the country, but LA vs SC? $68 in Denver, $56 in Oklahoma City, $85 in Iowa.
Is there something I’m missing? I’m hoping some of you builders will take a good look and help us out here. Maybe I’m
wrong, but the accepted PSF at this forum seems to hover, on average, around $100.
The research website:
I stumbled across a site yesterday that had some--to me--astounding numbers. It was a list of Energy Value Housing
Awards, given out by the research arm of the National Association of Home Builders. These were all state of the art
energy-efficient homes. The range of PSF costs, which were presumably turn-key, excluding land and other fees: $42
in LA; $56 in San Antonio, with the builder guaranteeing that average heating/cooling costs would not be above $17;
how about $39 for an ICF in Tampa?
Many in the $60's, 70's, 80's. Naturally some clunkers, like $191 in South Carolina. As much as anything, I was
astounded as much by the RANGE, as by how low some were. Certainly there are differences in labor/material costs in
various parts of the country, but LA vs SC? $68 in Denver, $56 in Oklahoma City, $85 in Iowa.
Is there something I'm missing? I'm hoping some of you builders will take a good look and help us out here. Maybe I'm
wrong, but the accepted PSF at this forum seems to hover, on average, around $100.
The research website: