In the last FHB there is an article about building a balcony to last. In it, they use 4x4s as a brace with angled steel brackets against the wall and the deck. They say these are custom. I will be doing a similar project and am wondering if there is a source for brackets such as these. I just went through the Simpson catalog and didn’t see anything that could work. The alternative, of course, is to have my own custom made but the angles will be 45 and I’d prefer to get something already available if possible.
You will probably do better finding a local company to weld up the size you need. There are some companies that will do business on the internet. Companies that do fire escapes may have something useable on hand.
Beat it to fit / Paint it to match
Are you looking for a braket to bolt the rimboard to the house?? Because if thats what your talking about theres a product call the "Maine Deck Bracket" Its what we use but its made of aluminum and witht the new ACQ it'll corrode so we use stainless washers as spacers.
I got them here:
They were custom engineered.
These are an excellent product if they fit your situation. They didn't fit ours:
Thanks for the ideas. I will try a local source first to see if that works out.
Thanks again.