Trimming out a window this weekend, the thought crossed my mind. 90% of the cuts we make while trimming out a new window could be done at the factory similar to a split jam door. Has anyone ever come across a window manufacturer that does this?
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Curtis windows from Wasau Wisconsin used to provide a pre-cut casing stool and apron for their windows. They offered 4 different styles of casing. Very nice window in it's day.... Like many other good companies, they have gone by the wayside...
I am thinking it could be pre-assembled (like a split jam door) minus stool & apron. Although the apron could have pre-mitered returns already glued...
in the close but no cigar catagory ...
when I can ... I like to preassemble my window trim.
if I have alot of windows with jamb extensions ...
I build the jamb extensions as a box ...
then case it.
then some quick measuring will give U enough info to tack the shims in place ...
slip the unit in as a whole.
coupla nails to hold her in place and slip in the next one ...
Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
I do that too Jeff. Works great when it works.
Have you tried using sheetrock screws as shims? Leave the heads proud and they do the same thing as a shingle shim.
Mike try hardie-backer type screws sometime, bigger head and self piloting tip... they are also workable when doing a particle board cabinet install and you run out of confirmat screws... we also use them for pre-shimming the rough openings for door jambs... we still use sheet rock screws for plumbing base in corners...hardi screws aren't long enough for that<G< Winterlude, Winterlude, my little daisy,
Winterlude by the telephone wire,
Winterlude, it's makin' me lazy,
Come on, sit by the logs in the fire.
The moonlight reflects from the window
Where the snowflakes, they cover the sand.
Come out tonight, ev'rything will be tight,
Winterlude, this dude thinks you're grand.
I bow to your screwing wisdom master....
I have.
funny thing ... this past summer running base for Hubcap ...
I was bitching about crappy drywalled corners down near the floor ...
mostly to myself ... must have muttered something about having to cut shims to get it all setting right.
Amish carpenter working on the stairs looks over and says "Yeah, I hate that too ... but we usually just run in some drywall screws in ... U ever try that?"
I had ... but forgot the concept that day till he remineded me.
had to laugh ... an Amish guy had to remind me to take a shortcut with the cordless drill! Better part was when he saw me 23g pin nailing some returns ...
I traded with him ... let him play with my 23g pinner and he loaned me his cordless hot melt glue gun.
Those guys got all the latest toys!
btw ... he had the PUR system ... very nice for around $100.
Jeff Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
Love my 23ga Senco (except for the lack of a safety trigger and the fact that the piston just blew a seal again) but haven't had good luck with the PUR...$$$ for glue cartriges that dry up...just bought another $10 glue gun so I have one in the shop and one in the trailer now.
Have you (or the Amish guys) tried the instabond glues? That's another of my favorites.
What other new toys do those Amish guys have?!
the only high end glue gun I've used was the Amish guy's ...
have looked at a coupla others ... maybe I'll keep on looking?
Jeff Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
You might get away with that on window jambs,but on prehung doors I avoid split jamb cause you gotta shim as you go and you can't push 'em through to adjust.I've even seen carpenters install split jambs w/o nailing the jambs,just the casing,and it's WRONG.A door in my dads new addition was like that and five years later it done split open from it's own weight.And who do you think had to fix it.
split jamb doors work perfectly fine when properly installed.
don't complain about a good product just because U can't make it work for you.
Jeff Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa