Spray insulation and recessed can lights

I was reading the article in the current issue on sealing and insulating attics. One thing in there got me wondering. There was a sidebar picture of the author sealing an IC rated recessed light by spraying it with expanding foam.
I understand the light fixture is rated for insulation contact, but can the spray foam take the heat of a 75w bulb?
Wonder what the manufacturer would suggest?
I wondered the same thing when I saw the photo...and I'm not really sure of the justification, though Mike doesn't often do things that aren't well thought-out. One positive thought is that it's firefoam he's spraying, so it can take the heat.
Justin Fink - FHB Editorial
I thought about that too. It looked like he was just sealing the holes in the IC fixture with the foam. Covering the whole fixture with foam might be another matter altogether if it allows too much heat buildup.Billy