I’m looking for stainless steel column bases like these, or something close, heavy gauge.
except simpson doesn’t have these in SSteel.
Simpson does have a few things in SS now, but has anyone found another source? I also need PCaps, but again, not offered by Simpson in SSteel.
SS screws and nails aren’t the problem, it’s the hardware I’m still having a problem with. Hope someone has a good source, since I’m not convinced that the new Z max line will hold up to the new ACQ.
I just talked to my lumber guy about ACQ. He called Simpson and Georgia Pacific about the hangers and hardware. Georgia Pacific has long-term test areas for pressure treated lumber and hardware. They've had ACQ lumber (40% more corrosive than CAB) under test since 1976 with triple-galvanized hangers. Same as Zmax. No corrosion problems. Their claim is that triple-galvanized is more than adequate for a lifetime in contact with ACQ. And, even single-dipped is more than adequate if it is done correctly with no pinholes. Since its never done correctly (Simpson admitted they cut corners to save money), the triple-galv is necessary as insurance. I'm not so hyper about using stainless now, unless its near water. Anyway, time will tell.