Hi All,
I read and as a result of the FHB review bought one of the Starrett 505A Protractors.
Just had a chance to put one of them to use. Just great! I almost got the Bosch but I don’t cut enough crown molding to justify it’s added expense. The Starrett has a degree scale and a miter scale that makes that sort of work mare staight forward anyway. I didn’t get a chance to use it on anything too complicated but it was dead on for what simple tasks I did ask of it. Well made, compact, accurate, no batteries, $40.
Room for one of these in just about every toolbox.
Just got it last week, haven't put it to use. I have the Bosch, but wanted a direct angle to set the miter saw to. I had to think too much with the Bosch, and had to throw out a few pieces of trim because of it.
Got it, love it.
AndyArguing with a Breaktimer is like mud-wrestling a pig -- Sooner or later you find out the pig loves it.
I feel exactly the same way about the Bosch. It sits in a cabinet in the trailer and rarely comes out these days. Good to hear good things about the Starrett.
I have not located one yet.
It's one of those tools that keeps coming out of my Bucket Boss. I used it today to measure the angle of an existing, but rotten, pork chop. Then, I laid out the new one. Perfect fit. My bevel guage hasn't moved out of its pocket in weeks.
AndyArguing with a Breaktimer is like mud-wrestling a pig -- Sooner or later you find out the pig loves it.