Anyone know of a source for a stopped countersink? I would guess a metal collar would be fitted and adjustable, but I haven’t been able to locate such a beast. (Need to predrill and counter sink about 2k holes and having a stopped countersink would make it easier.)
“I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.” Invictus, by Henley.
Nevermind, found it in McFeeley's. Somehow skipped over it first time.
"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." Invictus, by Henley.
They have a lot of those on Ebay (airplane mfg surplus) for about 6$. They can be searched with "countersink bits". The outer sleeve micro adjusts.
Thanks. I'll check into it and see if they are any better.
"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." Invictus, by Henley.
Countersink Cage
Never underestimate your ability to overestimate your ability
Festool also makes two.
woodworkers supply (.com) or Lee Valley both have them with steel body and nylon rub collars to not mar the work.
Edited 3/4/2006 7:26 am by trout