Ok, I should probably know this, but I don’t.
A new TM that I bought has little black marks at the following intervals. It’s the same mark as the 16″OC marks for studs, so I’m thinking they are related.
Just past 19 3/16″
Just past 38 3/8″
Just past 57 9/16″
Just past 76 3/4″
Anyone know?
Maximum range allowable when using a Board stretcher.
Ah, the old 'what are the little diamonds for' question.
It's for laying out TJI's on 8ft. 6 TJI's in 8ft. (5 bays).
96 inches divided by five will yield the resultant markings on the tape.
Stay tuned for the 'real' meanings of the markings.
Edited 10/22/2009 2:29 pm by kenhill3
Before you can learn the answer, you must pass a test:
1)Felt or Tyvek?
2)Fiberglass or cellulose?
3)Honor or offer?
copper p0rn
Honor, of course. Then offer, honor, offer.....
Vented or unvented.
or reinvented?copper p0rn
Nails or screws?Wood, plastic, metal, or fiber-cement siding?Dutchman or epoxy filler?
As I stood before the gates I realized that I never want to be as certain about anything as were the people who built this place. --Rabbi Sheila Peltz, on her visit to Auschwitz
don't forget the bonus question
how do you mix/ratio of dmix
this place just isn't any fun without all those things being talked about.the older i get ,
the more people tick me off
Hear! Hear!
Have you heard of Dan Brown's new book, the Lost Symbol?
It is as boring as this subject after a while, LOL
Stretch your tape a little further to 8'
Take your calculator and divide 8' by five. What do you get?
A lot of homes are framed 19.2" OC instead of 16" or 24"
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Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime.
where ...
Excellence is its own reward!
OK, you guys. I knew I should know this one....Thx,Scott.
So do you think 19.2 is a good medium between 16 and 24"
24" just seems like to much in a lot of instances. "There are three kinds of men: The one that learns by reading, the few who learn by observation and the rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves."Will Rogers
It's a pain in the arse!
I wasn't thinking about all the problems that would come up.
You've got a good point. I learned framing on 16" spacing. 24" just doesn't seem right to me. "There are three kinds of men: The one that learns by reading, the few who learn by observation and the rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves."Will Rogers
The diamonds create all kinds of problems, for the weak of mind!
how so?
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
Anytime you switch from the standard, it creates problems on the crew. Shoot, just going from 16 to 24 centers is enough to blow some minds.
True, the mistakes can easily cost more than the amount of lumber saved is worth.
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
I have never seen the savings as we always ran into trouble when we tried to follow. We just pulled out the plans on any job, if they specified that, we informed the contractor that framing was going to cost more, as we always had to get the saws alls out when we framed with that.
The problem is the quality of the help.
"Anytime you switch from the standard, it creates problems on the crew." Just for fun, go to the deli counter and ask for two thirds of a pound of bologna.
"Just for fun, go to the deli counter and ask for two thirds of a pound of bologna."
Why bother going to the deli when there is soooo much around here????
Just for fun, go to the deli counter and ask for two thirds of a pound of bologna.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
A carpenter can walk thru between two studs framed at the cubit layout
Deflection of 3/4 subfloor is still without bounce or too much deflection.
Lumber is savedBiggest problem other than carpenters who get confused by it, is that it is hard to find FG batts to fit in stock with out ordering a truckload, but since most of my insulation is spray foam or blown, I'm fine with that
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
it's a conspiracy put on tape measures by the free mason's. no wait I've been watching too much discovery channel.
Those are the cubit markings. One cubit equals one fifth of an eight foot plywood or gypsum board panel.
The cubit [= 19.2" or close to 19 3/16"] is a venerable old form of measurement. God himself used it when he gave his instructions to Moses on how to build an ark. When Horatio Stanley invented the tape measure, he included these marks just in case the world situation deteriorated and somebody had to build another ark.
Measure the length from your elbow to your fingertip and it should equal about 19.2". It is good that Horatio planned it just this way.
"Measure the length from your elbow to your fingertip and it should equal about 19.2"."Holy cow!
I was going to say, "be careful there, if you stretch the truth too far, he won't believe you"
but for giggles, I just grabbed my framing square to check that out.
I am exactly 19.2" on my left and right both!
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
I'm thinking that it was maybe Noah.
It's a good thing he had one of those Stanley tapes with the diamonds on it."I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." Invictus, by Henley.
I never said that.
Er.......... Wasn't that Noah that built the arc?
No, I think that was Tesla.
As I stood before the gates I realized that I never want to be as certain about anything as were the people who built this place. --Rabbi Sheila Peltz, on her visit to Auschwitz
Moses? Ark?pete
"Was it over when the Germens bombed Pearl Harbor?"
I believe these marks are for joist or stud layout on 19.2in centers. there will be 6 studs in 8' rather than 7 at 16"oc or 5 at 2'oc
We'd like to tell you...but if we tell you, we'll have to cut out your tongue.
We'd like to tell you...but if we tell you, we'll have to cut out your tongue.
Fingers, Jim. Nobody talks any more. Gotta keep him from posting and texting.copper p0rn
Thats right, he'll Twitter the secret to the terrorists.
Thanks for your contributions to this forum.
Work for the greatest vital intensity - the greatest solidity and aesthetic reality. Finally, eliminate everything non-essential. Reduce to the absolute essence. ~ F.C. Trucksess
I came up with this idea.
Sincerely, Mr. Al Gore
"Preach the Gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." - St. Francis of Assisi
No, I didn't vote for him; but he IS my president. I pray for the his safety, and the safety of his family every day. And I pray that he makes wise decisions.
Seems like something he would invent!