went to replace a couple pieces of 105 siding for the painter and found….not much left of the whole addition’s floor frame….unbelieveable…the builder had used untreated wood right on top of the block…..
but I also noticed that where he did use some treated posts(sitting on the remnants of untreated chunks of 2x) the termites had built their little elevators right up the sides of the posts….
so I’m wondering if a lip of flashing overhanging the cement block a ways is actually an effective way of stopping this annoying practice….?
I’m not sure these folks will agree to termite treatment as they are of that persuasion….though when they get a look at this they may be…persuaded….
> so I'm wondering if a lip of flashing overhanging the cement block
> a ways is actually an effective way of stopping this annoying
> practice....?
That was a common and effective means of dealing with the situation in Georgia in the 70s. Haven't worked there since.
Termite flashing or solid block won't necessarily stop the critters. What it will do is to make them build their tunnels where you can see them and take appropriate action if they show up.
Mike Hennessy
Pittsburgh, PA
The flashing will help but if there's no one paying attention, checking the house perimeter on a regular basis for the termite tent/tunnels (built to protect themselves from the sunlight), it doesn't matter. If the perimeter grade is too high it won't help much either. If there's some way to reduce the amount of moisture (planters, drainage/ gutter issues) go for it. It'll make the soil environment less inviting to the termites.
thanks all for your replies -
the house and its owners do have serious moisture and maintanance issues to be addressed...
got most of the reframing done today - it was a little less serious than I initally thought...or did my standards just adjust a bit in the damp half-light of that crawl space...?
>damp half-light of that crawl space...<
& spiders & bugs & zillions of creepy crawlies & the worst ones are the ones you don't see but hear skitter off when you turn the light on. Ever get a feeling that somethings looking over your shoulder while you're down there? Keep the hammer handy (I hope it's a straight claw).
Times like these are called character building.