Has anyone used this type of “tileable” shower module base for installing a ceramic tile shower.
Is it OK to use in place of the standard hand layed up membrane type installation?
The only brand I’ve found is “Tileredi” out of Florida.
It seems to take a lot of the time out of the installation and eliminates the folded corner problems sometimes encountered with membranes (if you would believe the company’s brochure).
Hello: I just wanted to bump this back up because I'm interested, too. Looks like it would be a real time saver.
*I have avoided this post because I a) need more information and b) am too lazy to ask. And I was OK with this until Lonecat butted in.As I see it, you are asking for info on a product no one seems to know about. A conundrum if ever there was one.Let's see, you are talking about a pre-formed or molded one piece shower base, right? And this base would take the place of a more traditional built-up base, right? I'll stop right there and wait for your response.
*Well, we'll just keep it active a little longer. I think this is the company which used to always have an ad in the back of FHB. They have a nice website- tileredi.com. If the thing is any good, looks like it would be about 200 times faster than building one.
*The manufacturer's literature does make this sound like an intersting product. They have quite a few different models. I'm not trying it though until I hear from someone who has used it. I see nothing wrong with the concept.
*Oh yeah, the first time I saw these was at a bldg trade show. Actually, I was quite impressed, the trade babe was looking good that day. No, really, the product was impressive. But since I won't be building a 600 unit motel any time soon, I passed. Besides, there is more profit in labor than installing someone elses product. Too, this company, while they do make different sizes, determines the shower size, so you can see it won't work but for standard--their specs--sized stalls.As for the product doing what it says, I have some experience here. I know a local gazillionaire--self-made--who has used these in a few of his motels. To the point where he deeply cuts the labor in shower stalls. So, what's it gonna' be: custom tile shower with lots of latitude in design and layout, or a pre-sized run of the mill, mfg. warrenteed(whatever that means) prefab plastic pan?To summarize: I consider these to be the top of the line of that kind of product (superior materials and design, don't cheap out on material, etc) and would consider using them for large commercial properties and possibly low income multi-family. Kinda' pricey though, for the mfg. knows they have a good product for that particular market.
Thanks for your reply. I'm just doing a single installation in my own house not a bunch of units so I'm OK for their $160 price ( although it is a lot for what you get )
I think I'll try it.
*Yes, it is a pre-formed/molded unit. It would take the place of the traditional built-up type base.As Lonecat said, it has been advertized in Finehome building magazine.
Has anyone used this type of "tileable" shower module base for installing a ceramic tile shower.
Is it OK to use in place of the standard hand layed up membrane type installation?
The only brand I've found is "Tileredi" out of Florida.
It seems to take a lot of the time out of the installation and eliminates the folded corner problems sometimes encountered with membranes (if you would believe the company's brochure).