BIL and sis want to build a 24 x 24 timberframe barn with a loft above, and a stickframed 10 x 24 shop under an adjacent shed. It will have a brokenback roof . . . 8:12 on the high timbered roof, with 4:12 over the shed. Corrugated steel roof on roughsawn 2×4 purlins.
Here is the imagined structure, in three views. Most of the wood will come from the big white pines they’ve tagged with tape, available right at the site. It is a 25 minute drive from here, over the mountain.
Looks like a fun project Gene.
I'd oversize and overfoot those three center posts. They are taking a good amount of load.
Edited 4/5/2005 6:50 am ET by Mad Dog
Nice. What program was used to do the dwg.s? Timber framing is my first love,you can't beat big timber."If 'tis to be,'twil be done by me."
Cadkey 97.