Tips for installing a French patio door
I am going to be installing a set of Pella Architect Series French patio doors this weekend in my home. My exterior walls are double masonary, but unfortunately all installation instructions provided by Pella (or all the other major door manufacturers, for that matter) are for installation in wood framed wall with siding. Therefore, all references to nailing fins to the exterior sheathing, vapor barriers, flashing tape, etc, do not really apply.
I already have the rough openings cut, and lined on the interior course with 2×4 lumber. I also have new concrete sills poured.
I am looking for any hints/tips/suggestions on proper installation. Certainly I know about ensuring level & plumb and things like that. It’s more waterproofing/weatherproofing aspects and sealing that I’m concerned about. I’m in a cold winter environment if that makes any difference.
Any offers of advice would be very greatly appreciated.
Thanks all.
This site may help-
The logic of worldly success rests on a fallacy-the strange error that our perfection depends on the thoughts and opinions and applause of other men. A weird life it is to be living always in somebody else's imagination, as if that were the only place in which one could become real.- Thomas Merton
Edited 5/30/2006 10:38 am ET by bbqjason
It sounds to me like you can`t use the nailing fins at all in that application hard to tell without a picture....if that is the case then you are looking at using screws to fasten the jamb in.Now what you will be left with should be shimming space only. i would think about using Azek ripped down to the size you need to trim that out on the exterior there should be enough room on the jamb to attach it properly and if you have any iregularities in the block you can seal it up the voids with a Quality silicon such as Geosel it comes paintable or non paintable and it is sold by Harvey Industries around here so if they are not in your area i`m sure you could approach them via the internet.
Hmm, have you gone to the Pella site and looked under the installation details? I want to remember that they include installation details & destructions for brick veneer and solid masonry.
If I get a second in this too-short week, I may go peek at the Pella detail CD I have--but it's from last year, so no promises.