I dont know if any caught the latest TOH in New Orleans last week . At least its sane project for a middle class client not like the last 10 million shingle style rehab for the george Clooney look-a like.
Norm and the host(cant remember) and the owners and friends went in and tore out all the drywall and insulation from the 9th ward shotgun that ws flooded. Nobody was wearing any breathing protection.Just yanking the stuff out with thier bare hands. At one point theyre like ” oh my look at all that black mold..good thing were getting rid of this!” And thier lungs!
Thenm they had a mold abatement contractor come in to sandblast vacuum and treat the place and they all ran out saying..”this is going to be messy”.
Not a very fine example to give for all the viewers who wouldnt know any better.I bet Tommy Siva wouldnt of done it that way.
I'm with you- that last project made me sick, with the "cost is no object" attitude. Talk about conspicuous consumption- but, hey, folks spending $$ is what keeps us all working- more power to 'em.
Most mold health problems are caused by long term exposer. That's still no excuse for not wearing P.P.E. Unfortunately T.O.H. and most residential job sites do not follow safety rules, that's why there is a high injury rate in the building business. Most builders tend not to have any formal training in construction, let alone safety training.