Trimming varying gap between drywall and tongue & groove pine ceiling

The gap between my drywall and pine ceiling is inconsistant. I’m trying to figure out the best way to trim it. The shadow helps show the varying gap width that I need to fill.
Any idea are appreciated!
It may be too late but you could scribe the wall profile on the first piece and saw that out.
At this point ot might look OK if you just put a piece of matching wood on the wall, butted up to the T&G ripped to the wall to ceiling angle.
You could run it on a router to get a better profile on the bottom
It's unfortunate that the gap varies so much -- will be hard hide totally. But a piece of something resembling crown molding is probably your best option.
these are things that need to be decided on in the beginning so there's no need to rescue a nice project. Mock ups of the various transitions help you figure well in advance what needs done and in what order.
but hey, you're at this time now with a lot of material up and many hours of labor spent. Here's an idea that might help you finish this up.
plumb a pc. straight down from the ceiling long enough to add a return flat and level back to the wall. The pc to the wall will have to be scribed to fit the wavy wall. Install this pc. up a bit behind the plumb drop, a reveal of sorts to help hide the waves.
the plumb drop will have to run parallel to the grooves in the siding runs.
go to any inside or outside corners to figure those transitions b/4 you start.
best of luck.
I appreciate everyones feedback. I think I'm going to do what Greg suggested in the first response. I had quite a bit of beveled strips leftover from ripping the outer 2 ceiling boards to width. Here's a few sample pics showing the plan and a shot of the entire ceiling.
I'd do a lighting valence. Give some nice uplighting to your ceiling and completely obscure that joint.
Hi mate,
No one would want to do it at least for a while..:D and those roofing and ceeling constructions can be trusted on 100% precent as every normal thing. So there you go and they would have changed it with time. Even KOAP Construction (which sucks) and bogus spam link said it.
Hope I helped.