I need some advice. I am building a bathroom in the basement of our house and the bottom plate of one of the walls seems twisted. it is level along the length of the plate but across the plate it is about an ⅛” out. so when I try to install a stud the top is fine but at the bottom there is a gap on one side. I checked my miter saw to make sure it is cutting straight. I can shim each stud along the length that is twisted but I needed to ask the wizards if this is alright to do. I thought about removing the bottom plate and finding a better one but I used powder actuated nails and can’t think of a good way to get those out. any advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks
If it's only twisted up 1/8", I wouldn't worry about it. I've seen worse in 100 y.o. houses, and they've still standing. You could cut each stud to match the twist, but even that isn't really necessary. Now, if it was a bearing wall, I'd be more concerned about everything fitting well.
With only 1/8" twist you could just cut the studs to the long side and pound them in. This will straighten out the plate.