As of Monday morning, my occupation is officially “contractor”, and of course the first order of business was getting sick as a dawg. So my first week hasn’t been very productive I’m sorry to say and I am standing here looking at 1000 sq feet of disassembled, packed up and thoroughly disorganized tools…
Ah well… Rome wasn’t etc etc etc
Hang in there, Paul. You'll have better weeks.
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LOL...Thanks Cloud, I appreciate it. All in all, I'm cautiously optimistic. Firebird was at my old place over the weekend, he can tell you it was pandemonium. Took 2 guys four full days to pack all my tools and move everything so I figure it will take me at least that many man hours to unpack and assemble it all, and I do have a paying gig so it could certainly be worse. As a friend said recently "hey you've been living on d*mn near nothing for the last year so how much worse can it be?" ;)
And thanks to everyone here who encouraged me (and many others like me) to give it a shot...
Hey, there you are!!
Feel better huh?? (musta been all that stress)
Go easy for a while and take some time to get well organized. The time used will be wisely invested!
Thanks again for the compressor, it will be very useful to me.
Best of luck to you Paul!!
EricI Love A Hand That Meets My Own,
With A Hold That Causes Some Sensation.
Best of Luck!
"A hard head makes for a sore a$$."
nice stockpile of tools there.
if yer not gonna be usin' 'em soon, maybe they can go to some nice homes.
I'm sure there will be lots of volunteers here.
Get well soon, or them tools will be getting lonely.
Welcome to the club buddy! I made the jump about three months ago. The hardest part for me to get used to has been the bit about not getting that weekly paycheck like clockwork. I know intellectually that the payoff is gonna be there, but it's still really different to actually have to stick to a budget for the first time in my life.