This is spooky. Was outside to walk down to check the mail. I heard a rumble in the sky–loud, then fade away, then loud again. this implies a jet making tight turns–which is so familiar to me I know it could only be a military fighter. Back inside, I’m in the ‘library’ reading up on wave propagation through gaseous medium when I hear a distinct double sonic boom.
Now, other than at airshows I haven’t heard a boom since when I was a kid, excepting the shuttle of course. The thing is I was reading about this phenomena as it actually occured. Afterwards, there were some rumbling coming from seeming two different sources in the sky. What makes it eerie is there is a good layer of fog right now so I can’t see, only hear what’s going on up there. I ran outside and was actually looking for the orange glow.
Where are you located? Anywhere near these bridges?
*Rich,Yah, things are different now. This morning I was helping the dog get the paper at 0430. We live under the southern approach corridor to Dulles, and are used to airliners wearing a groove in the sky at 2500 feet northwest bound, slow. All of a sudden, I hear the unmistakable sound of afterburners haulin ass EASTbound at about 10,000 feet. Really moving, with no lights on. I gotta think they were two Guardsmen in Eagles heading for the coast to take a look at a bogy. America today. Whod'a thunk it?Tom
*People in our area got a bit freaked out when a B1-B blasted overhead a couple of weeks ago. Turns out they were doing a flyover for a memorial service; I kind of wish that had been announced ahead of time!did
*did,I know what you mean.I was in the Pentagon on the third floor near the damage site Tuesday afternoon when a loud jet noise popped up. Turns out it was a "missing wingman" formation of F-16s overflying the burial ceremony of an Air Force General at Arlington, but nobody expected it. Very telling how many warrior types reflexively jumped/ducked. I think people are much more on edge than they admit to.Tom
*Rich,You still living outside of Kabul?We've got some ass-hauling f-16s flying over occasionally here too. Really moving.
*Rich --Where are you located? We get double booms here when the space shuttle lands at Edwards. They only do that when the weather is bad in Florida, as it costs an extra million bucks to schlep it back down there.-- J.S.
*I am on the CA coast midway 'tween SF & LA. 60NM north of "Canaveral West" as Vandenburg AFB is sometimes known because of the sat. launches.I'd hardly call how they get the shuttle back to FLA 'schlepping'. I had a VIP pass at Edwards during the late 70's where they did all the shuttle testing. That bad boy is big! Put it on top of the 747 and you got yourself a monsta! The 74's engines are larger than a schoolbus. When the shuttle diverts--oh yeah, talk about filing for an alternate!--to Edwards for a landing it passes right over our area. Even though it's at 100,000 feet it still creates a good boom.
This is spooky. Was outside to walk down to check the mail. I heard a rumble in the sky--loud, then fade away, then loud again. this implies a jet making tight turns--which is so familiar to me I know it could only be a military fighter. Back inside, I'm in the 'library' reading up on wave propagation through gaseous medium when I hear a distinct double sonic boom.
Now, other than at airshows I haven't heard a boom since when I was a kid, excepting the shuttle of course. The thing is I was reading about this phenomena as it actually occured. Afterwards, there were some rumbling coming from seeming two different sources in the sky. What makes it eerie is there is a good layer of fog right now so I can't see, only hear what's going on up there. I ran outside and was actually looking for the orange glow.