It seems like their are a number of people who come here with problems and then never follow through. (unlike Wanda). Like the guy with the lousy bamboo floor in another thread. A lot of educated answers but no response from the OP regarding questions about the situation. The nature of the beast here I guess.
The guy with the bad smell (there have been several) under a building he was renovating for a home in Calif. He was going to do some testing of soil and joist for old chemicals I think. Anyone hear about the end of that one?
How about the guy who was going to build authentic European homes with concrete, 18″ walls, etc., at a competitive price.
I’m sure there are plenty more. It would be nice to know how these things turn out.
I would venture: Bamboo guy left in disgust at contradictory advice. Bad smell guy was so scared by what he found he is hoping no one remembers him, and European style super-home guy is flat broke now and can't afford the Internet.
I am also curious about familiar posters who have dropped out of sight.
Some pretty good analysis.
and don't ferget Mr Commercial Stairs may not pass code but provides 0 details.
I'm chuckling away here.
I picture the European style super-home guy with a half finished concrete foundation.
Orange protectors on top of rebar. Sad.
My parents house had a lot of concrete in it. Word was that the builder/owner was a concrete cantractor."There are three kinds of men: The one that learns by reading, the few who learn by observation and the rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves."Will Rogers
Hunt up the threads and inquire to the original posters?
Fingersandtoes probably is close to the mark, sometimes people don't get the answers they want.
Small wheel turn by the fire and rod, big wheel turn by the grace of god.
I've gotten answers here that i didn't like.
But they were right. Suck it up and take the correction.
In the end it is good for you."There are three kinds of men: The one that learns by reading, the few who learn by observation and the rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves."Will Rogers
>>>It would be nice to know how these things turn out.
Yeah, I agree.
As a 10+ year lurker/poster, I've seen many unresolved threads. Some people just take the advice and scram, other's just get distracted. Too bad for those of us who are curious.
It would be nice to have a cattle-prod button to push.
Edited 9/13/2009 11:46 pm by Scott
I find myself fitting that description more and more as my project nears completion. I've had 4 years worth of advice and help from people here, couldn't have managed without them, and now I feel the need to tie up lose ends, post pics, etc. a sort of closure thing.
On the plus side, I'm thinking of moving a small cape cod to my property, mostly to get some extra bedrooms for minimal cost, and will have a whole slew of new questions.
Consider yourselves warned:)
A lot of drive by posters find a place such as this via Google, place their question and then forget where they were or how to get back.Comes with having easy access to posting. Some forums I frequent have a registration process that places you in limbo for a period of time...requires a commitment. This forum allows you to post right off...that may explain some percentage.Next spring when I lift my shed and replace the foundation I will be certain to dig out my original, old post and up date it tho, I got great advice and confirmation on my hunches, both.
"A lot of drive by posters find a place such as this via Google, place their question and then forget where they were or how to get back."Not here, the forum is not searchable. You need to know about it or take the effort to check out the FHB front page.But I have seen exactly what you have described in other forums..
William the Geezer, the sequel to Billy the Kid - Shoe
The best reward for people contributing to discussions is seeing the results afterwards. I've enjoyed the pictures of your project a lot.
I too enjoy the pics people post here, actually motivates me with my projects.
Or the guy who wanted an I beam size for a garage. And he joined back in 2002.
>> How about the guy who was going to build authentic European homes with concrete, 18" walls, etc., at a competitive price. <<
Yea, I think I remember that one - didn't he say something about "concrete is cheap" or maybe he was going to make his own....
Anyway, I think sometimes people just want someone to agree with them, and when they get opposition they run away in disgust.
A few times I have posted long replies (who me? :-)) to questions/situations I knew a lot about taking a 1/2 hr to type in and organize all the info only to have it sit "unread" for eternity, or other times just a non-response. Other times OPs can't be bothered with answering a few basic and germane questions to clarify the situation.
Ya gotta have a bit of a thick skin.
Anyway, I think sometimes people just want someone to agree with them, and when they get opposition they run away in disgust.
Yes, I think some posters are really looking for self validation. I frequent some running boards and there's always the question "Gee, I just starting running two weeks ago. I'm up to 2 miles. There's this marathon in 8 weeks. Should I run it?". Everyone can reply "Bad idea" and 9 out of 10 of these OP's will say "I'm running it anyway".
A few times I have posted long replies (who me? :-)) to questions/situations I knew a lot about taking a 1/2 hr to type in and organize all the info only to have it sit "unread" for eternity, or other times just a non-response. Other times OPs can't be bothered with answering a few basic and germane questions to clarify the situation.
I used to to that often on travel boards. A question might come up "I'm going to Sorrento. Where's a great place to stay.". I'll go look up in our travel logs our hotel. Give advice on which rooms might be best, breakfast, provide a link, etc. Like you, it's 30 minutes plus only to have no reply. Or worse, a reply that consists entirely of another question without the slightest acknowledgement of my help. Like this my job or something. Not that I expect a "Thanks for the help" but it does feel like holding a door open for someone who then walks through without saying a word.
Ya gotta have a bit of a thick skin.
Theres an easy solution for your pain guys. Ask the quick question first. If you get the germane answer, then lauch your sermons.
"Yes, I think some posters are really looking for self validation. I frequent some running boards and there's always the question "Gee, I just starting running two weeks ago. I'm up to 2 miles. There's this marathon in 8 weeks. Should I run it?". Everyone can reply "Bad idea" and 9 out of 10 of these OP's will say "I'm running it anyway"."I am guilty of that.But in my case the posting of the question often finalizes my thinking of the question. In fact just last week I was going to ask one about a how I wanted to do a deck railing, but I answered my guestion and never finished the message.And I have already look at all of the options and mention them in my message. So what I am really looking for is if I have missed some factor..
William the Geezer, the sequel to Billy the Kid - Shoe
"I'm going to Sorrento. Where's a great place to stay."
Wish I could recall the name of the place. 400 ft over the Met with an elevator down to the beach, everything Marble. Fantastic chef. 2 block walk to a small grocery that had Chianti in a returnable bottle in a basket, equivalent of 87 cents for 2 liters..... happy time there........
OK, how many responses are like that or are a teaser with no real information......<G>
On second thought, probably could find it on google or bing aerial view, one of the few places that had a salt water pool up on the cliff.......
Edited 9/14/2009 6:04 pm ET by junkhound
"Wish I could recall the name of the place. 400 ft over the Met with an elevator down to the beach, everything Marble. Fantastic chef. 2 block walk to a small grocery that had Chianti in a returnable bottle in a basket, equivalent of 87 cents for 2 liters..... happy time there........ "
That would be the Cappucini Convento in Amalfi (not Sorrento). Wonderful place to stay, if a little pricey.
View Image
Overlooks the Gulf of Salerno ... loved it.
Holding the door...
Good analgy. And we hold the door because we want to - that is the only reason.
124392.25 in reply to 124392.12
Holding the door...
Good analgy. And we hold the door because we want to - that is the only reason.
Of course it's the only reason, but apparently you didn't really understand the subtle underlying meaning of my whole post:
Not that I expect a "Thanks for the help" but it does feel like holding a door open for someone who then walks through without saying a word.
And I put the key phrase in bold this time around.
OH - I understood. Sometimes I get a little POed here from the occasional thanklessness, but have to remind myself that I do it because I want to.
"A few times I have posted long replies (who me? :-)) to questions/situations I knew a lot about taking a 1/2 hr to type in and organize all the info only to have it sit "unread" for eternity, or other times just a non-response."
Don't think of that time as wasted. Most of what I have learned here on the forum was not directed at me.
Considering how many boards I go to but don't post on, I wonder that the percentage of lurkers vs posters is on BT?
Don't think of that time as wasted. Most of what I have learned here on the forum was not directed at me.<< How true. Further, sometimes me taking the time to organize my thoughts and put it all down in (hopefully) reasonable dialogue is a (re)learning experience for me too.
>>>Most of what I have learned here on the forum was not directed at me.You got that right. In over 10 years of lurking and hanging at BT, I've bought five acres of dirt, then designed, drawn, and built a house. Somewhere in this process I got married and had a couple of critters. This wouldn't have happened without places like BT (the house part, that is. The critters didn't have much to do with the Internet..... 'nuff said). LOLThere are many and various nasty corners of the Internet, but there are gems too. This is one.Scott.
Edited 9/14/2009 9:35 pm by Scott
Spent a couple of days up in Whistler in August among the armour-plated cyclists. They are still building six million dollar spec houses above Creakside I see.
Oh yeah.... full speed ahead. (for both the cyclists and the builders)
Edited 9/14/2009 10:26 pm by Scott
"There are many and various nasty corners of the Internet, but there are gems too. This is one."
That may end up in the quotable quotes thread, nicely put.
I was running thru the old posts looking for unanswered single posts to bump and found an old one
where someone had posted pics of the completed kitchen renovation and thanked everyone who had helped answer his questions over the preceding months.
Not everyone makes light of the time y'all spend fielding questions.
If you actually post a reply to a thread it should show up when you look for posts "of high interest to you".
That way (by posting in the thread) you can keep track of them and when they don't follow up you can dog them with emails.
I rather enjoy dogging people, whether by email or phone or in person, Yes quite enjoyable.
You don't have to just post in the thread.You can also mark it with the High Interest button at the bottom..
William the Geezer, the sequel to Billy the Kid - Shoe
Wow, so thats what it feels like to get dogged! Doggone it!
Yeah, there's this ponytl guy, been posting about these condos for years, never seen one picture.
Sez he's got a web site, doesn't know the URL.
I'm starting to think he's a 10 year old girl.........
Joe H
Everything is slow in Memphis.