Have been considering buying a dedicated jig for routing hinge mortises. What are your experiences…that is what kind, is it worth it, should I just make a new one per job? Would love to hear some tricks and suggestions.
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
Hi Sather, Porter-Cable makes a Inexpensive adjustable hinge mortising template that I feel works really well. I hang on the average of only about 30 doors per year that need to have hinges mortised. If I had more than that Porter-Cable also makes a setup that adjusts to any door and has 3 templates that will adjust to rout the mortises for all three butts with one setup.
*Hey Sather - If you are going to be doing much hinge mortising a three hole adjustable jig is definately worthwhile. I have an old Stanley that was given to me by a retiring carpenter. I have also used a PC and they are interchangable. I use a mortising straight bit and a collar in a router base that will "bump" the boxes on the jig. That top hinge goes 7" down (to the top of the hinge) and the bottom hinge goes 11" up (to the bottom of the hinge) the middle hinge centers.A corner cutter is nice to finish up the corners for square butts, which I like the look of better. It's better to mortise a hair shallow than to go too deep. It's real complex to imagine, real easy to do. If you ever drop by, I'll show you mine, and you'll see right off. - jb
*Have to go with Jim on this but there are alternatives. One is ac plywood cut like the three hole jig allowing room for the buchings You'll still need and placing a stop on either side to maintain how far You want the butts in the door. Handy jig give me a holler and I'll detail it out a little more precise. The other Pro jig is not that expensive, mine is a Skil I've had for a while. The other alternative is a Full Mortise Lock Router with automatic stops for heigth and depth with several size cutter heads. The hinge mortising almost seems as an aside for this rig but it has them. They are hard to find, expensive, weigh about 50lbs. take 3 or 4 hours to set up but when mortising a 6" deep Baldwin Full Mortise Lockset into a panel door, it makes it a dream. It doesn't usually ride with me for the negatives I described. Bottom line - get the three hole jig.
*Hey Sather! I have a question. Seriously, does your name rhyme with father, rather, or bather? I have been pronouncing it the last way in my head all this time, but I don't think it's right. -jb
*Hey Jim: I dropped you a line, but I'll post a response here as well: It's a long "a" as in bather. Swedish with a little "my parents were hippies reading too much Gary Snyder" thrown in for good measure. Won't even get into the last name. See you in the postings.
*Sather - while looking for another topic in my old FHBs I came upon an article in issue 31, Feb/Mar '86 on mortising butt hinges. Looks like just what you're askin' for, primer and comparrison of several jigs. Maybe Taunton has a way to get you back articles, I don't know. Name of the article is - "Hinge Butt Mortising Templates". - jb
*For just a few hinges occasinally, I like my T.S. Wheeler Butt mortise plane. spans the mortise after a few knife cuts for layout. Quick & clean.
*For just a few hinges occasinally, I like my T.S. Wheeler Butt mortise plane. Spans the mortise after a few knife cuts for layout. Quick & clean. Takes care of the strike mortises too
*A similar item for around $100 US is available from Lie-Neilsen.
*Ditto your comments. I need to replace mine ..... is T.S. Wheeler still in business?
Have been considering buying a dedicated jig for routing hinge mortises. What are your experiences...that is what kind, is it worth it, should I just make a new one per job? Would love to hear some tricks and suggestions.